Camera shots & angles


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Camera shots & Angles

Close up shot

Close up shows the actor's head and sometimes their shoulders. This shot directs the audience's attention to the significance of what that individual is doing, saying or feeling at that particular time. The close-up shot can also draw attention to an object which is of significance to the narrative.

Extreme close up shot

A shot where a part of a face or body of a character fills the whole frame/dominates the frame.

Establishing Shot

A shot that establishes a scene. Often giving viewer the information about the set.

Medium shot

The framing of a subject waist up

Two Shot

A shot of two characters, possible engaging in a conversation. Usually signify a relationship.

Low AngleA camera that looks up at a subject /object. Often used to make the subject look powerful/dominant.

High Angle

A camera angle that looks down upon a subject or object. Often used to make the subject appear small/vulnerable.

Long shot

which shows all or most of a fairly large subject (for example, a person) and usually much of the surroundings.

Wide Shot

Master shot

Canted angle

POV (point of view)Shot

The End