Calculate Reading Rate




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Prepared by:

Jahlen M. TuvillejaII - BLIS

OBJECTIVES To know how to calculate

reading rate To know your Reading profile

Reading rate

is one of the most commonly used measures of literacy skill attainment.

Two Types of Reading Frequently Measured:1.Oral Reading

2.Silent Reading

CALCULATE Your Reading Rate

Materials needed

reading material Timer/stopwatch Paper & pen


1. Count the number of words in three lines and divide by three. (WPL = Words Per Line)

2. Count the number of lines on a page. (LPP = Lines Per Page)


3. Multiply the WPL by the LPP. (WPP = Words Per Page)

4. Once start to read, record your minutes/time spent in reading and the number of pages read.


5. Multiply the number of pages read by the WPP. This will be the Total number of Words.

6. Divide the number of minutes you read into the Total number of Words. (WPM = Words Per Minute)


WPP = 12

LPP = 10

WPP = 12 x 10 120 WPP

4 pages x 120WPP = 480 words

480 words / 4 minutes = 120 WPM

Reading Profiles

110 WPM = slow reader 240 WPM = oral reader 400 WPM = auditory reader 1000 WPM= visual reader
