Building a Broadcast Studio Fall JEA 2013



"Building a Broadcast Studio" Fall JEA 2013 - Session

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Vision, research, planning, execution Adam Dawkins (@adamdawk) & Jason Ell

Regis Jesuit High School, Aurora CO

Saturday, November 16, 13

Why Broadcast ?

The power of video

Reach a wider audience

Capture attention

Real world product & skills

Kids love being on camera!

There’s room for everyone - off camera opportunities too

21st Cent learning- STEM DMA

A place to call home - more than just a course

If you build it they will come

Branding your image

Wider use. Opportunities for collaboration

Why a Studio ?

Saturday, November 16, 13


Saturday, November 16, 13

Our Story JEA/ NSPA

Local schools

Sports broadcasting

Why now? - Performing Arts Complex

Cart before the horse? That’s okay

Sell and promote

Keep working in the background.

Saturday, November 16, 13

Look Around! High school, college, local TV stations

Don’t reinvent the wheel

Make visits

Bring students & admin

Take photos, video, make a presentation for admin

Follow & watch HS programs

Decide what will work for you and your school

Build a network of support at your school and outside


Saturday, November 16, 13

Build PartnershipsCommunications - school & district

Alumni & Admissions

Local colleges

Local stations

Youth programs

Parents & boosters

Vendors - Sony

Creative Learning Systems

Saturday, November 16, 13

What about the Equipment?Use vendors & contacts

Know what you want to DO first

Plan ahead. Plan for growth

Work with other departments

Wait on some things, but buy a few right now

Ask for it all. Aim high and overestimate.

Train early and often

Branding & swag!

Saturday, November 16, 13

Curriculum & CoursesCreate your own department

Jump in. Propose a new course for your new space

Look at Common Core, 21st Cent, STEM .. it’s all there!

Be selective

Shadow, read about, or even intern in TV newsrooms

YOU should be the station manager at first.

Design curriculum with skills and process in mind. The product will come ...

Build a culture of exclusivity, accountability, professionalism, and FUN!

Plan on studio production overtime. Take the time now.

Saturday, November 16, 13

Where we go from here ... Jan - May: Training wheels

May - August: Summer camp, family movies

August - Oct : Major training & skills based learning

Oct- Dec: Monthly studio

The sky is the limit

Jan 2015: Weekly studio show. Student driven

Who to follow for info on building a broadcast program:

@dongoble2001(Don Goble)

@cinehead (Michael Hernandez)

@Matt_Raz (Matt Rasgorshek)

@JMcLean3 (Jesse Sutherland)

Saturday, November 16, 13
