Btl share strategy



Buy to Let Share Trading Strategy to achieve 3-7% return PER MONTH for CASHFLOW.

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BTL Share Trading



Portfolio Size?


Buying Below Market Value?



Poor return on your money.

FT Adviser – Financial Times

• £18bn trapped in “below average” pension funds.

Story by: Sharon Flaherty Magazine: FTAdviser

Saturday 3 October 2009

Are these funds fit for purpose?

The central role of the fund management industry in the financial meltdown of the past few years has barely been examined, says Patrick Collinson (The Guardian Money Editor).

Fifteen years ago Guardian Money reader Michael Rundell started saving in a pension scheme with Scottish Life. He paid into the plan every month, investing £70,000 in total. Over the period of Michael’s investment the FTSE gained 60% when Michael asked Scottish Life for the value of his fund, he was stunned by the reply. Despite the share index rising some 60% over the period, Scottish Life had turned the £70,000 into…just under £70,000.

What a splendid wheeze this pension business is, “says Rundell.” There was me thinking the fund was a mechanism for maximising my retirement income, when it’s really a job-creation scheme for people who – judging by their performance as fund managers – would be otherwise unemployable. Would someone explain how it can be legal for these people to make a good living out of MY savings while doing absolutely nothing for me?”

Rundell is hardly alone and, sadly, the performance of Scottish Life isn’t much different to other investment management groups.


Friday, 06 November 2009

PPF deficit doubles to £1.23bn5 November 2009 | By Helen Pow

The Pension Protection Fund has announced that its deficit has more than doubled from £517m in

2007/08 to £1.23bn in 2008/09 casting further doubt over the sustainability of the lifeboat.

The Lifeboat is Sinking

How to turn a £70,000 pension fund into £1.25m in 9 years.

How to turn £200 pcm positive cashflow from a BTL property into £1,200 pcm.

How to turn an Inheritance producing £600 pa into a fully protected fund producing £900 pcm.

What do we all need?

• Low Risk.

•High Reward.

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Started in Donegal

20,000 Global Graduates

1,000 Investment Clubs Initiated

In 30 countries

Now delivers education in 5 languages.

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There are 30,000 Stocks to choose from ??

Value Line reports weekly on the top 6,000

About 300 are TICN Quality companies

About 30 are Quality and Right Price

10 may have good entry points

We may buy

1 or 2

TICN Shopping List in the US Market:


Identify a Quality Company.

Know when to buy and sell.

Collect rent every month......

Protect your money and profit

Identify a Quality Company

• 90% of people who buy & sell shares do no research!

• We combine fundamental research with technical analysis. We identify fundamentally sound companies that are undervalued and watch for technical signs of a move upwards and on this indication we BUY.


• The Value Line Investment Survey ranks approximately 1,700 stocks relative to each other for price performance

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4/4 Quality and Price

• TICN calculates Quality and Price rankings weekly on each of the top performing shares.

Rolling Stock

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Collecting RentCall Option Defined

• The right ( but not the obligation) to call away (or buy) shares at a fixed price by a fixed date.

• The mind set of the Buy to Rent investor is that of a property investor.

• Shares are bought as a means of generating rent (option premium) each month.

Covered Calls • Let us think of two separate activities in the


1.The buying and selling of shares. When you buy shares you are covered because

you own the shares.

2.The selling of Options (Calls) – to collect rent. When you sell a call option the shares may be

called away from you.

How does it work?• If you bought one hundred shares of a

company today, at a cost of $10 per share you have invested $1,000 and you are now covered because you own the shares.

• If the market maker thinks that your share will be worth $15 per share in say 30 days time, he may give you $1 per share today if you promise to let him call the shares away from you at a fixed price of $12 per share in 30 days.

Selective Licensing

Protect you moneyPut Option Defined

• The right (but not the obligation) to put (or sell) shares at a fixed price by a fixed date.

• When you buy a put you are buying the right to sell (put) shares to the market at an agreed price.

• A LEAP put is a long term option which gives you the right to put shares to the market up to 2 years from purchase date.

• This is your long term insurance policy that protects your initial investment from purchase date to expiry date of the LEAP put.

How Does it Work?

• August 2010

• You can buy NOK for $8.40 now.

• You can buy the right to put the shares to the market for $12.50 (until Jan 2012) for $4.45 now.

• If you buy the shares and the insurance you will spend $12.85 in total ($8.40 + $4.45)

• Your maximum risk is now only .35c ($12.85 - $12.50)


What Now?

Share Landlord = A Sharelord

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