Brand guidelines


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Brand Guidelines

What are brand guidelines and what are they used for??

Brand Guidelines are essentially a set of rules that explain how your brand works. These guidelines typically include basic information such as an overview of your brand's history, vision, personality and key values.

Most brand guidelines are produced for the company’s employees and representatives to ensure the company is presented in a coherent way.

Main features




Brand Identity


It’s a particular design of type

A typeface is a design for a set of printer or display fonts, each for a set of characters, in a number of specific sizes. 

Logo A Logo is a symbol or other small design adopted by an organization

to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc.

A logo refers to an image that relates to a company.

Colour Colour is essential for brand design as, like a logo, it represents and

displays particular companies, or in terms of music, different artists/bands.

For example, Ed Sheeran’s artwork and such often includes the use of the colour orange, most likely to resemble his hair colour but yet is now something he has adopted.

Or even Lady Gaga who is often associated with bright colours and alternate colours as she somewhat has an ‘indie’ or very ‘post-modern’ style through her outrageous clothing styles and such like.

Brand Indentity A brand identity is how that business wants to be perceived by

consumers. Effective visual brand identity is achieved by the consistent use of

particular visual elements to create distinction, such as specific fonts, colours, and graphic elements.

At the core of every brand identity is a brand mark, or logo.
