Boy girl relationship presentation


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What is puberty?

It is transition period of an individual

from childhood to adulthood.

It is described as growth spurt:

meaning –

Your body is growing and it’s

happening really fast!

Ex. Sleeves are always getting shorter,

pants are creeping up your legs, feet are

growing, acne begin to grow, face is oily,

body odor

You may be clumsy at times because

your feet are getting bigger, shoulders

become broader, hips getting wider,

breast becoming bigger

Starts at ages

- 8 and 13 yrs. for girls

- 10 – 15 yrs. for boys

PITUITARY - a pea-shaped gland

located at the bottom of your


Pituitary releases hormones

Testosterone for boys

Estrogen and progesterone

for girls

Estrogen – secondary sex

characteristics such as breasts,

widened pelvis, fat deposits in

the buttocks, thigh and hip,

less facial hair

Progesterone – helps regulate

menstrual cycle and




Social changes during puberty

Searching for

identity –

who am I in

this world?

Seeking more


Looking for new experiences

– involves risk-taking


Influenced more by

friendsStarting to develop and

explore a sexual identity

Seeking more responsibility

Thinking about right and

wrong – responsible


Communicating in different


Emotional changes during puberty

Shows strong

feelings –


emotions at

different time,

brain is still

learning how

to control


More sensitive to other’s

emotion – getting better in

reading emotions of others but

may also misread facial and

body language

More self conscious – especially

with how they look, may

compare with others

Goes through a “bulletproof” stage on thinking and acting – may

think they are “invincible” and does not truly understand the

risks associated with their behavior

- decision-making skills are still developing and your child is still

learning about the consequences of actions

Changes in relationships

Wants to spend less

time with family

Has more arguments

with parents

Sees things

differently from


The teenage years, in

short, can be an

exasperating and

worrying time for

the parent. But not

always. Teenagers

can also be fun,

loyal, and caring

family members and


Puberty can

be quite a

wild ride!

Whyare boy-girl relationships not

advisable at a young age?

YOUTH is a time of impatient desires!

1. There is a need to wait for your body to mature.

- typical boy takes 8 – 10 years to fully develop

- typical girl takes 6 years to mature

- as you develop things that you like and dislike

change which affects food choices, dresses, and


- you should not let yourself be tied down to one choice

- or you may regret later!!!

2. There is a need to be able to resist temptation.

- young people are not really good at accessing


- it is one of the last functions to develop in their


- men tend to take risks and not consider the


- when a young couple forms a relationship early

in life they are tempted to experiment with sexual


- they may engage in sex without fully

appreciating the consequences

3. It requires some maturity to

distinguish infatuation from true love.

Every teenager believes that they are in love at

some point

It doesn’t matter what anyone says

Teenage romances almost never last!!!!

The young persons mistakes hormones for love

In the Bible, love does not involve sexual desires

(I Corinthians 13:4-8) "Love suffers long

and is kind; love does not envy; love

does not parade itself, is not puffed

up; does not behave rudely, does not

seek its own, is not provoked, thinks

no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity,

but rejoices in the truth; bears all

things, believes all things, hopes all

things, endures all things.

Love never fails."

True love doesn't die out

over time.

True love lasts because it

is a choice and not a

hormone driven desire.

4. Few young people are in the position

to take responsibility for their actions.

If teenagers become parents, who

will see that the baby is fed and


Who will teach him proper behavior

if his parents are little more than

children themselves?

“enjoy your youth anddo not borrow future


Young people, enjoy your

youth. Be happy while you are

still young. Do what you want

to do, and follow your heart’s

desire. But remember that God

is going to judge you for

whatever you do.

Ecclesiastes 11:9
