Bose Mystery: Yet to Reveal



One individual may die for an idea; but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a thousand lives. That is how the wheel of evolution moves on and the ideas and dreams of one nation are bequeathed to the next - Subhas Chandra Bose

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BOSE MYSTERY #1From the Japanese Government document, it has been found that there is confirmation that Japan agreed to take Netaji to Russia. It is not only that. There was also an escape plan. So, the plan included that as he left Saigon, Japan would announce that he had died in an air crash.

BOSE MYSTERY #2According to the Japanese Government, the accident occurred on 18th August, 1945. It took them five days to deliberate and then announce to the world in a cryptic one line that Subhas Chandra Bose had died in an air crash.

BOSE MYSTERY #3After getting news what was Mahatma Gandhi’s reaction? Mahatma Gandhi sent a telegram to Netaji’s elder brother Shri Satish Chandra Bose. Mahatma Gandhi had always been cryptic. His message was, “don’t perform ‘Sradh’. That was the beginning of the doubt.

BOSE MYSTERY #4The Cabinet, at its meeting on 25th October 1945, decided, the only civilian renegade of importance, Subhas Chandra Bose, that it would be better to leave him where he is. So, the British Government even in August 1945 knew that Subhas Chandra Bose was not died. It is not from any individual, but from the British Government itself.

BOSE MYSTERY #5In the meantime, Habib-ur-

Rehman, who claimed to have seen Netaji being wounded, whole body in fire, coming from the plane, which crashed, at Taihoku, tried with his hands to put of the fire but failed. He also claimed that he was there when he was taken to a hospital in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan. He also claimed that he was a witness to his death.

BOSE MYSTERY #6Col. Habibur Rehman came to late Shri Sarat Chandra Bose. They had a discussion for about 2½ hours. After that discussion, Sarat Chandra Bose came out and said: “Habibur is not speaking the truth”.

BOSE MYSTERY #7Then, Habibur Rahman went over to Delhi to meet Mahatmaji. The representatives of the media asked him: “What was Habibur Rahman told you?” Once again, in a cryptic message to his countrymen, Mahatma ji said: “Habibur told me what his leader has ordered him to say.”

BOSE MYSTERY #8According to Habibur Rehman, the dead body was cremated on the 20th August, 1945, according to the Municipal Certificate, the cremation took place at 6 p.m. on the 22nd August 1945. One could understand a fictitious name (i.e. Ichiro Okura)being used in the Death Certificate, and in the Cremation Certificate.

BOSE MYSTERY #9This is a note of the Prime Minister’s

Secretariat. This bears the File no. 23(II)/56-57/PM, dated 2.12.1954 and the note is signed by Shri M.O. Mathai. “A small amount of Rs. 200 and odd was received by the Ministry of External Affairs from our Embassy in Tokyo and along with the ashes and other remains of the late Shri Subhas Chandra Bose. This money is being kept with the External Affairs Ministry.”

BOSE MYSTERY #10In the time of NDA Government, Mukherjee commission created. Commission went to the Renkoji temple & wanted to take evidence of the priest, but he refused to give any evidence. They said that they were prepared to talk to the commission but not on record.

BOSE MYSTERY #11Justice Mukherjee requested them to open the urn and wanted to see the contents (ashes of Netaji). They suddenly looked at each other and after about ten minutes they came and told Justice Mukherjee that they were sorry about the fact that since there were no carpenters available, they could not open the urn.

BOSE MYSTERY #12Commission went to interview the doctor, whose name was Yoshimi, who had claimed to have treated Netaji Subhas Bose when he was brought to the hospital after sustaining very serious burn injuries in the air crash. He was asked as to whether he had treated Netaji Subhas Bose or not. His reply was ‘no’. He did not know whom he treated as he had never seen Chandra Bose.

BOSE MYSTERY #13Commission was given audience by

the Ministry of External Affairs of the Taiwan Government; the Ministry of Health of the Taiwan Government; and the Ministry of Internal Security or the Home Ministry of the Taiwan Government. They told Justice Mukherjee unequivocally that they were absolutely sure and certain that there was no air accident in the whole State of Taiwan on the 18th August, 1945.

BOSE MYSTERY #14Justice Mukherjee went to the crematorium. He found that Ichiro Okura was cremated on 22nd August, but his death was not on 18th but on 19th August, 1945. Lt. Gen. shidei name was not there and the Chief Pilot’s name was also not there. Those dead bodies vanished. He also found out that Ichiro Okura was patient in that hospital. He died on the 19th August due to heart attack. A dead body was required to bury or cremate Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. Without a dead body how could they tell whether he died and cremated? So, Ichiro Okura’s dead body was used.

BOSE MYSTERY #15Refer to pages 22 to 31, Volumes-I of the Report, He explained that he tried his best but nothing could be done in the matter. He was ready although the experts said nothing would be found. That is why, he has concluded that although the DNA Test was not done, he was completely satisfied that it was not Subhas Chandra Bose who died in an air crash because the air crash did not happen taking into view of the Japanese doctor’s evidence but he said that still he would conclude and come to this finding.

The Mystery of the Biggest Cover-up of all time is yet to reveal
