Book talk! Macdonald hall


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Macdonald Hall : Beware The Fish

Gordon Korman

Main Idea The main idea of the story is that

Macdonald Hall is going bankrupt, so the boys go through crazy and hilarious ways to save Macdonald Hall. One of the ways involves interfering with the TV and getting into huge trouble. This is the main idea because that is what the whole book is about.

Summary When Bruno and Boots get moved to Elmer’s

room because the school doesn’t have enough money they think of ways to get new kids to register at Macdonald Hall, so the school can get money to not go BANKRUPT!

From finding cures or getting into the newspapers to making world records they and the other boys do some hilarious and crazy things to not let Macdonald Hall get bankrupt. One of their funny joke turns into a nightmare when it starts interfering with the TV, and getting them into trouble by the Ontario

Reading Strategies

I used the reading strategy visualizing to visualize the pictures because it is easier to understand the book if you can see what is going on in your head. I visualized the part when Ms. Scrimmage catches the boys.

Another strategy I used was predicting to guess if they will get into trouble for that or not. I predicted the part when they were making a lot of noise, so the contractor would go away.


Bruno And Boots

• Leaders of all the plans

• Always are getting into trouble

• Always going to Ms. Scrimmages school.

Mr.Sterguon (known as the Fish)

• Known as the fish because he gives people the fishy stare.

• He is the headmaster of the Macdonald Hall

A Quote

One of the quotes that Bruno said were “I never get caught". I thought this quote was funny because at the same time he said it, he got caught!


• I rate this book 10/10 because there are no weaknesses for this book. If I had to list one, I would say that there is too much stuff going on and it’s very confusing.


• It’s very funny

• It’s easy to understand

• It’s nice and short, but it has a lot of content


• It is a little confusing


• I would recommend this book to kids aged 10 and up because they wouldn’t understand what is going on and would think “ Why is he doing these things.”

Other Book of The Series

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