Board presentation 2009


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Making a BIG Impact on Student Achievement*

*School Libraries Work. Scholastic Publishing Company, 2008.

Strong library media programs increase test scores 10-20%. -School Libraries Work 2008

The highest achieving students come from schools with good libraries.-Lance 1994

The size of the library staff & collection is the best predictor of academic achievement.–Colorado Public Schools Study

Today’s school libraries offer digital information resources including:

BOOKS (print, audio and electronic)

DATABASES (periodical and primary source collections)

MEDIA (including Video, DVD and Podcasts)

SELECTED Internet sites

Expert information NOT available on Google or Yahoo!

◦ Current and historical newspaper and magazine articles from around the world

◦ Up-to-date health information

◦ Reference books

◦ Primary Documents

Instruct students in the skills and behaviors they need to become digitally literate:

ethical use of media and digital resources website evaluation netiquette and internet safety

Create curriculum with our teaching partners, by designing activities that directly impact state content standards and student achievement.

Develop critical thinkers and discerning consumers of information.

Promote a lifelong love of learning and reading.

◦ “Research seems to be far more difficult to conduct in the digital age than it did in previous times.”*

* A. Head and M. Eisenberg. (2009) Finding Context: What Today’s College Students Say about Conducting Research in the Digital Age.



Students are responsible for their own learning.

Library Portals Blogs Wikis Podcasts Online catalogs Webcasts Google Docs

“What a school thinks about its library is a measure of what it thinks about education.”

- Harold Howe, Former U.S. Commissioner of Education

Judy Linhares, Teacher Librarian

Collaborating with teachers

to support curriculum

Dolores Fabel, Teacher Librarian

Supporting a life longhabit of reading.

Nona Mikkelson, Teacher Librarian

Supporting curriculum

through teacher


Geri Petersen, Teacher Librarian

Providing a safe- haven to nurture

and develop individual

interests, a sense of

curiosity, inquiry and life long learning.

Marilyn Nicholson, Teacher Librarian

Supporting a life longlove of


Shannon Paladini, Teacher Librarian

Collaborating with teachers

to support the


Providing a safe-haven to develop and

nurture other interests

Terrylynne Turner, Teacher Librarian

San Ramon Valley Unified

School District’s

10th California

Distinguished School

Katie Williams, Teacher Librarian

Students learn to

search the internet and use online databases

Karen Mile, Teacher Librarian

Promoting a lifelong love of reading

Susan Tu, Teacher Librarian

◦ Creating critical thinkers

and discerning consumers

of information

Donnine Davis, Teacher Librarian

Providing a safe-haven to develop and

nurture other interests

Your world is our world.
