Blsd voip level 1 key skills



blsd voip training

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BLSD - VOIP Cisco Unified Communications System

V. O. I. P. =

Voice Over Internet Protocol

BLSD - Cisco Unified Communications System

- use internet connections for voice communication

- connect using a PC / Mac computer or VOIP phone

- “unlimited” internal connections possible at one time

- no cost if computer to computer

CISCO Unified Communications System

1. Making calls :

BLSD INTERNAL calls: dial the four digit extension

EX: dial 1001 = D.O. reception

NOTE: call secretary of site they’ll connect you

ALL EXTERNAL calls: dial 9 , then the number

NOTE: if all outgoing land lines are used, you will be prompted to try again later

CISCO Unified Communications System

2. Using SOFT KEYS :

- 4 buttons below screen

- input options change with call mode placing a call, receiving a call, etc.

- scroll through options using MORE key

CISCO Unified Communications System

3. Placing a call on HOLD :

- local hold for the handset being used

- unable to retrieve that call anywhere else

- useful for pausing during a conversation

- use SOFT KEYs to resume call

CISCO Unified Communications System

4. PARKING a call :

- used when intended recipient is not near to the handset where call was recieved

- allows for call pickup on any CISCO phone

- scroll through SOFT KEYS , choose PARK

- note the park bay designated on screen: 711, 712 , 713 , 714

- parked calls signal every 60 seconds

CISCO Unified Communications System

5. TRANSFER a call :

- select TRANSFER from soft keys

- follow prompt and enter the intended receiver’s extension number

- then you have TWO OPTIONS :

- select TRANSFER- key in extension #- Consult with the intended receiver

CISCO Unified Communications System

Option 1: Consult Transfer:

Caller is waiting

CISCO Unified Communications System

Option 1: Consult Transfer:

press TRANSFER to connect caller & intended receiver

CISCO Unified Communications System

Call received

on CISCO system

Option 2: Direct Transfer:

CISCO Unified Communications System

- select TRANSFER - key in extension #

press TRANSFER to connect

Option 2: Direct Transfer:

CISCO Unified Communications System


Lists the following:

Missed CallsPlaced CallsReceived CallsLocal Directory

CISCO Unified Communications System


1. Dial your school site local 2 digit prefix followed by 00 EX 6507 would dial 6500

2. Follow the prompts : a) enter your extension number and press #

b) enter your password and press #

3. Access your voicemail
