Blackfriars Priory School



Blackfriars Priory School is a Reception to Year 12 Catholic School for boys in the Dominican tradition, and has remained committed to excellence in boys' education since 1953.We welcome international students, hosting over 30 boys from Korea, China, Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines. We facilitate their active involvement and inclusion in the Blackfriars community through extensive individual English language support and co-curricular activities.

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Delivering specialist boys’education in Adelaide,South Australia.

• Located in Adelaide, the Capital of South Australia• Lowest cost of living in Australia, 23% more affordable than Sydney• Ideal Mediterranean climate• Relaxed quality lifestyle• Safe • Education city, Home to 3 prestigious universities, University of Adelaide, University of South Australia and Flinders


St Catharine’s Administration Building

Blackfriars Priory School• 1,000 Students from Reception to Year 12• 5 minutes to the Centre of Adelaide• 15 minutes to Adelaide International Airport• 20 minutes to stunning beaches

30 International students from:• China• Hong Kong• Vietnam • South Korea• Japan• France

Outstaning Academic ResultsIn 2011:• 2011 Dux, David Hoang achieved 99.65 Australian Tertiary Admissons Rank• 20% of students achieved a score of more 90+• 18% of students achieved a score between 80+ and 90• 53% of students achieved a score of 70+

Chen Ke, International Dux, 92.6 Australian Tertiary Admisson Rank.

David Hoang, 2011 Dux, 99.65 Australian Tertiary Admisson Rank.

Prefect Scores, or Merit Awards achieved in 2010 & 2011:• Maths Studies (x2)• Specialist Maths • Modern History• Physics• Research Project x 2• ESL Studies

• Japanese• Physics• Philosophy• Accounting and • English Studies x 2

82% of students accepted a first round offer to the University of Adelaide or University of South Australia.

Supporting International Students• Chinese speaking International Liaison Officer, Ms Eleanor Low• ESL in class support• Homework Club offerred after school with Chinese speaking tutors• 6 additional support lessons with and ESL teacher • Mandarin language classes offered• Buddy program

Programs designed to meet the specific educational needs of young men.

Boys are less self conscious and distracted.

Participate enthusiastically in a more diverse range of activi-ties than their counterparts in

Why Choose All Boys?• Programs designed to meet the specific educational needs of young men.• Boys are less self conscious and distracted. • Participate enthusiastically in a more diverse range of activities than their counterparts in co-educational schools. • More likely to embrace a broader range of artistic, cultural, musical and dramatic opportunities in a single-sex school.

Co-curricular Activties• A wide range of co-curricular activities are available to suit all interests and abilities• Excellent Music Program including, Instrumental tuition, Musical ensembles, Bands and Choirs• Other activities include; Debating, Art club, Chess club, Drama club, Writers Group, Social Justice League, Science and

Mathematics competitions.

Co-curricular SportsBlackfriars has has a reputation for sporting excellence and offers an extensive range of sports including: Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Cycling, Football, Hockey, Swimming, Soccer, Squash, Tennis, Table Tennis, Water Polo and Volleyball

Outstanding Facilities

• Science laboratories• Computer suites

including a new Mac design suite

• Laptop for each student • Gymnasium• Wireless technology

throughout campus• Multipurpose Hall• 2 x Library resource

centres• New Music centre• Drama centre• Arts centre• Motor mechanics

workshop• Year 12 common room• 2 ovals• Cricket nets• Canteen and lunch area• Chapel• Walking distance to

parklands and indoor

Homestay with an Australian Family

• Homestay family selected by the school

• Homestay coordinator available 24/7

• Regular home visits• Police clearances• Principal provides

guardianship (without charge)

• Safe• 3 meals and laundry• Own room with desk• Family environment

supportive of study

Blackfriars Priory School17 Prospect Rd Prospect South Australia CRICOS 02485B
