Biology rejuvenation


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Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Rejuvenation Group

Members :

Almira Rizqi Nafisa (01) Dian Kafahasindaya (06) Evie Prigiyanti (09) Hilda Rizki Amelia (13) Mega Ndaru Aulia mukti (18)

1. What happen with our forest ?2. Why the forest can be destray ?3. What are the impact of

deforestation to human life ?4. Give the solution of the

deforestation !

Questions :

What happen with our forest ?

Destruction serious of forest causes the forest to be dry and organisms in the forest will be lost the habitat and availability of food is decease and can changing the ecosystem.

Why the forest can be destroy ?

Because influence of global morming,deforestation,illegal logging and human activities that can destruction.

What are the impact of deforestation to human life ?

The impact of human is can causes natural disaster such us : soil flow,erosion,and flood and availability of water,air,land and food are decrease.

Give the solutions of the deforestation !

Reforestation. Selected logging. Firm sanction to the loggers. Establishing protected forest and

Natural Reservation. Rejuvenation

Wassalamu’alikum wr.wb.

