Bifid spine


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WHAT CAUSES THIS ILLNESS?• Bifid spine is a birth deffect that happens when a baby backbone does not form normally. As a result, the spinal cord and the nerves that branch out of it may damaged. And were the break append it has different levels of injury:

CERVICAL LEVEL: the breakage is really up in the spinal column.(the breakage is really serious, you are paralytic from neck to feet).

TORACIC LEVEL: the breakage is in the middle of the spinal column.(the breakage isn´t very serious, you move with a wheelchair).

LUMBOSACRO LEVEL: the breakage is really down of the spinal cord (the breakage isn´t serious, but you have to wear splints)

this is the hurt that you have when you are born.

And after the surgeon has operated (this is the scar that they have).


WHAT DOES IT AFFECT?It affects the spinal cord, the feet,

the excretory system, the nervous system (it affects all parts of the body that are under the breakage).

HOW DO YOU GET IT?It is a deffect of the formacion of the

vertebral column during pregnancy. We don´t know the causes, but scientifics

talk about: genetic causes, acid folic, etc…

SYMPTOMS This rare form of bifid is characterized by the

protrusion of the protective membranes through the spinal cord through. As the spinal cord develops normally, these membranes can be removed via surgery with little to no damage to nerve pathways.

TREATMENT 1 It depends of the level of bifid spine: all

people that have this ilness, have to wear splints. Also, they use to go 1 or 2 days a week to rehabilitation.(some of them go to the swimmingpool).

Apart from the extra-exercise, my brother Jose has a medicine in the morning and at night.

TREATMENT 2People with bifid spine need to use diaper,

because the excretory system doesn´t work very well, the reason is that the when spinal cord breaks, it also affects the excretory system, and they don´t control it very well.

PREVENTION 1Have folic acid, this is very easy

prevention and effective, we know that up a 78 % of cases could have this problem during gestation.

PREVENTION 2The administration of a prepared

polivitaminico, rich in folic acid, from a month before you become pregnant until the second menstrual lack, reduces the risk of recurrence of spina bifida in the next pregnancy successfully.

PREVENTION 3For the mother who has given birth

to a baby with bifid spine, there is a risk, approximately 4%, again to have another baby with the same problem. The risk is small, but real. Therefore, in the event of a new pregnancy, parents must go to an obstetrician as soon as possible for control and surveillance



