Bibo and Dino's Quest


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Bibo and Dino’s Quest

Little Bibo went on a jungle safari with his parents.

One morning when he was out for a trek through the jungle, his eyes

caught something interesting.

When he went near he found out that it was a big white egg

Bibo had never seen such big an egg! He looked around him, finding that nobody was watching he packed the big egg in his muffler and put it in his backpack.

So, the egg travelled from the deep dark jungle to the town in which Bibo lived with his family

and found it’s place in the closet in Bibo’s room.

One fine morning Bibo heard a faint cracking sound coming from his

closet. He opened the closet and to his surprise found that the big white egg had hatched and a little green

dinosaur had come out of it.

Bibo had never seen a dinosaur, he was thrilled and little scared at the

same time. He did not want his parents to find out, as he knew that he was going to be in big trouble if

they did.

He named the dinosaur Dino, short form of dinosaur! He kept him in the closet and fed him a part of his meal

every day. Bibo and Dino became best pals and they used to play and have

fun when no one was watching.

Bibo often wondered why Dino looked sad sometimes. One day, Bibo asked Dino what bothered him and made

him sad. Dino said” you are so lucky! You have a loving family, I wish I had

my family with me too!!”

Bibo felt sorry for Dino and wondered if he could do something to help his

best pal. He promised to himself that he would do whatever he could to

locate Dino’s family. He told the same thing to Dino too, hearing Bibo’s assurance Dino’s face lighted up.

Bibo and Dino went to the house pets, Caty the cat and Bhou the dog. They asked if both of them could help find

Dino’s family. Caty said “Meow, of course I will checkout”. “ Woof Woof I will go and check on all the roofs” said


Bibo and Dino went out of the house on a quiet Sunday afternoon to look for someone else who could help them. As they went a little distance from the house, they met Dodo the donkey and Coco the cow, who used to stay in a nearby farm. They asked them for help, “Bray Bray what is there to say!! Of course I will” said Dodo. Coco said “ Moooo I will ask and check out every clue!!”

While they were walking to the nearby forest to check if any wild animals

could help them out, they met Pintu the peacock and Poly the mainah.

The birds asked where they were headed, after they learnt about

Dino’s problem they both happily agreed to help. “we are going to do our best to ask around and find out where your parents are Dino, do not

be sad”, they said.

It was getting late and there wasn’t much time before it got dark. Bibo

and Dino quickly went near the forest to seek more help.

They met Sherkhan the tiger under a big tree. “Hunnnhh, where are you two headed? It is going to be dark soon and the jungle is not a safe place to be”. “Ssssssshhhhh, yessssshhhh, he is right” hissed Nagu the snake from the branch


“Dino is looking for his family, do you think you could help us?” asked


“There is nothing we would not do for a fellow animal and a kind hearted boy

like you Bibo. We will help you out. Now, both of you go back home before it gets dark. We will meet you after 7

days, here, under this tree with information about Dino’s Family”.

Bibo and Dino went back home with lot of


After 7 days, Bibo and Dino went near the forest under the same big tree.

They found all the other animals and birds were waiting for them. They also saw two new animals along with them.

“What did you find? Please let me know” cried Dino. All the animals looked glum and sad. “Ahem” Sher Khan cleared his throat. “We are so sorry Dino, we could not bring your family

to you dear. They all are extinct. They all died due to some accident long time back, only you were lucky enough to survive in that hard and protective shell of the egg”. Dino started to cry after hearing this sad and heartbreaking news.

The two new members of the group, Olivia the olive ridley turtle and Gupo the mountain gorilla came forward. They told Dino ”dear friend, we can

understand your pain, even our families are in danger we are

endangered animals, we came here to ask for help”.

All the animals and Bibo felt that Olivia and Gupo were going to face

the same sad future if they were not helped immediately. It was not only them, even Sherkhan and Nagu was endangered, along with many other


They all came together and held Dino, Olivia and Gupo’s hands. “We are sorry that we cannot bring back Dino’s family. We are his family from now on. Olivia and Gupo, we promise that we will not let the same thing happen to your family. We will spread the message and do our best to help protect all the endangered animals like you”.

They all went back home to get ready to fight for the cause of all the endangered animals like Olivia and Gupo to save them from extinction.

Stop the endangered from being
