Best practices in art


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Best Practices in ARTSDES school

Erasmus+ 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024769

Best Practices in Instructional Techniques

According to Howard Gardner, an Art teacher can reach hers/his students Intelligences in a unique way.

Every child has a different strength among these intelligences.

The more of these intelligences are addressed in a lesson, the more students are reached and learn.

Naturalistic activities

Collect objects in nature, texture rubbings of leaves, landscape painting,

Kinesthetic activities

Manipulatives, model making, sculpting, simulations

creating spelling, dictation, addition with our hands!

Existential activities

Philosophical discussions, creating art that questions life and reality

Celebrating a National day,

discussions about Peace.

Based on Pablo Picasso's white

pigeon students create their own vision

Logical activities

Categorizing facts, reasoning, interpretation

Learning about the Agricultural

Revolution and comparing the technological improvement

Don’t be afraid to be different.

When we are together we learn more things...!

Creativity that works!


Self-directed projects, goal setting, emotional processing, diary, autobiography

Linguistic activities

Active and Passive voice through art!

VISUAL activities

Batik is being reborned in the hands of DES students

We love spanish !!

Imaginando un diálogo:

- ¿De dónde eres?

- Soy de Grecia, soy griego. ¿Y tú?

- Soy español. Ella es francesa.

Logical Activities

Using storytelling as a tool for foreign language learning
