Being Creative- Being close to the Creator


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Unity of Tampa Youth Education Services

2009 - 2010

Our goals…. We nurture friendships between children, families, the

larger church community

Our children experience the Key Unity Concepts through every interaction with our teachers

Our goals…. Our children enjoy coming to Unity Our children ask to come to Unity

Youth Ed consists of four different learning environments or rooms.

The children will experience one different room every week for four weeks.

One story/parable will be experienced, for FOUR FULL WEEKS.

Our first story is the Good Samaritan.

The Computer Lab – software for story based games, tutorials, puzzles, and websites. Monitored by two teachers.

This room contains a stage, make up and costumes, props, a camcorder, music, and instruments.

Musical Musical Theater Theater

For the Arts! This room contains art supplies in a workshop-like setting.

The Workshop

The Cinema This room features a movie on each month’s story.

A talk-back session and journaling enrich every film.

Sound like fun? Which room would you pick?

Join us as a Youth Ed Angel!Flexible schedules!Talk to us in Youth Ed Today!
