Beats presentation



My media Studies PowerPoint Presentaton

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Danny Laws Media Studies Presentation

Music Magazine

The magazine that I looked up to was ‘Vibe’ the reason for this is because the kind of music of R&B is the music I was aiming for, with my target audience being young black/white males. And I also feel the reason why I picked it was because I knew more about it then other music genre’s like rock for an example and also because there's a lot of R&B music magazines.

What is VIBE?Vibe is a music and entertainment US magazine founded by producer Quincy Jones. Which mainly features R&B and hip-hop VIBE was first lunched in 1993.

I basically wanted to make a UK version of this.

The institution that I think may want to distribute my media product is intermedia partners. The reason why I think this would be good for my magazine is because they distribute magazine ‘VIBE’ and Vibe magazine is similar to my magazine gender, I think that they would get my magazine big and well-known as they already proven this by producing VIBE. I also think that they would be interested in distributing my magazine because I wanted to basically make a UK version of ‘Vibe’ so it will be sold more in the UK.

The research that I carried out was from the music magazine ‘Vibe’ where I got ideas from but I change it to my it original.

For an Example:

As you can see above the research that I carried out with the masthead With the red and black gradient inside, I like this sort of idea especially With the plain background, however I changed the front type and the

White outline around the masthead text.

How I planned was basically highlighting any codes and conventions that I liked from VIBE and The Source and trying to use the same codes and conventions but in a different way so I challenge it. I also added different codes and conventions on my magazine.

My target audience is young black/ white males age between 14-21 who interested in RnB/rap music who maybe don’t come from the best of backgrounds and maybe want a career in the music industry and see how the stars of today has come to where they are today.

How did I think I reached the target audience? I reached the target audience by using an up coming young black artist(Jerome) as the

main theme of the magazine

I also used a white young singer in Pro-Green, the reason for this is because his came from a hard background before music with him getting stabbed, so I think he represented my magazine gender well.

I also called my magazine 'Beats’ this was used to link to younger generation with the new headphone

Masthead-Black&Red gradient

Main Image- Normallyin the centre. White rapperWho is well known. ThisImage was outward gaze

Banner-tells the audience what’s going to be inside

Sell Line- Tells youThe main story in The magazine




Outward gaze

Celebrity Endorsement

Issue Number



Date of edition



The contents page I wanted to try and link it to the codes and conventions and my research but I wanted to make it more original and slightly different. I got advice where to look from my fellow class mate Jerome to look at the magazine Clash where they use sub headings for each category for each topic. I also followed the code and conventions by using an image of the front cover on the contents page. I also used the main topic of ‘Jay-Starzy’ to inform the audience that his the main topic so it may encourage them to read on. I decided to also use a image of a celebrity who is also a key a feature in the magazine. I also used a editor edition which again follows the code and conventions

Codes ConventionsUsed:• Byline-Editors

note• Image of Front

cover• Two images• Subscribes• Follow


I followed the sameColour scheme as I used for the front cover and the contents page which is Red, Black and white. I decided to follow the codes and conventions by using 3 images the reason for this is because by my research they mainly use 2 or more images for their double page spread. I also noticed that they normally have the questions in one colour(Red) and the answers in another(Black).

I also saw that most double page spread has one main image on one side with an quote from what he said in the interview.

As you can see this is all my different processes I went through to get to my final music magazine. It started off by my task where I first ever used In-Design to my 3 different stages of my music magazine.At the start the only understanding I had was knowledge on Photoshop but never used In-Design before so I had to try and learn from other people as well as from teachers.

With all these different stages of development it has helped me to understand the codes and conventions that every magazine needs to have as well the sort of colours need to be used and what background would fit best with what image and text


Feedback given on my Media Blog:As a result of the feedback given by Connor and other people that I asked, I decided that the black or the white background wasn’t working. As well the feedback given about the image made me change the image.

The reason why they wasn’t working:• White background was too plain and boring• Black background isn't common for a music magazine

background.• The image quality wasn’t good enough• The layout was too pushed up to the masthead

I ask a number of people what they thought of my magazine during different processes of making my magazine.

I asked questions like

1. What type of music genre would you say it was?

2. What gender would you say its aimed at and why?

3. Does the Front cover/contents page and the double page spread matches?

4. What background works best white, black or gradient of black and white?


1. Rap(R&B/Rap)

2. Black and White males (Young black and white males)

3. Yeah because of the images and the background used matches( Background, Image, text type)

4. People said that white or black background didn’t work so I decided to go with the black and white gradient for the background.

The things in red I was what I was aiming for