Babies’ body language . applied linguistics



Babies’ body language . applied linguistics by Bashayer Ahmed Almalki . with my nieces and nephews pictures

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Baby’s Body Language.

: Body language

• A type of nonverbal communication that relies on body movements (such as gestures, posture, and facial expressions) to convey messages .

• Body language may be used consciously or unconsciously. It may accompany a verbal message or serve as a substitute for speech.

Baby's Body Language:

•Babies cannot tell us what they need or what they are thinking. Because a baby cannot speak . it is sometimes hard to understand what they need, but their body language is the key to understanding and interpreting what your baby is communicating.

•Have you ever wondered what your baby is feeling, or what he wants ? This presentation will cover exactly what your baby's body language means.

Your baby's eyes are an important place to look at when you want to understand and interpret your

baby's body language. If your baby makes eye contact he is probably happy, but if he is looking

away or up he might be tired or uncomfortable.

The way your baby is breathing is a sure indication of how your baby is feeling. Calm breathing can show that your baby is happy, but fast breathing may show your baby is uncomfortable.

There are many signals that can help you when interpreting and understanding your baby's body language, and these tips will allow you to better communicate with your baby, but remember every baby is a little different.

Age 1 to 6 Months

Presented by :Noor

babies may not be able to speak and clearly express their needs , but you can communicate with your

newborn using your voice, touch, sight and smell. Your

baby has her or his own ways to tell you what she


Baby grabbing ears

Babies grab their ears for a variety of reasons. Common

causes are playfulness,

tiredness, teething or an earache.

Grabbing her or his ears can be a sign

that something is too much for your baby the milk is too hot,

she has too much gas, she needs to burp.

hugging It could mean: Your

baby knows how to make himself feel better. Or it could

mean: He's nervous about something around him, like a

new babysitter or a noisy playgroup .

 Rubbing  or covering eyes

Some baby’s will rub their eyes just cause they are itchy, and sometimes they do

that because they are tired, but there is not

need to worry that there is something

wrong with their eyes.

Looking away

It could mean: He needs a minute to process what's going on. Babies are often trying to make sense of

what they are seeing .Looking away can mean 'Let me swallow this first

before you give me another bite.’


Babies that kick their legs may do so

because they are happy or they want to be picked up in order

to see you face to face. If your baby is

kicking his or her legs, this is a great time to



Some baby’s grunt because they feel uncomfortable, and some because they need comfort.

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One year old baby body language

• baby at this age usually understands "mama" and "dada" and can identify each parent.

• During this year, language skills typically progress from pointing to speaking single words and experimenting with simple word combinations.

Happy In a good mood.

Sad Want to be


Playing with her favorite doll.


Discovering something new!


When someone yelled at her.


The child starts learning the difference between fantasy and reality. He starts to identify his gender, his nationality and religion. He likes to dress the way he likes.

Age 3 to 5

Playing helps your child to explore his feelings. He’ll express himself through constant chatter, body language (he’ll still use gestures and noises to communicate), painting and making or ruin things.

The child will start using body language to communicate and to make friends.

She is threatening me

They are refusing to take pictures

In this age, the child might also hide the truth about something, or even start telling lies. For example, he might say ‘I didn’t do that’ or show innocence even when he did.

Your child’s language ‘explodes’ this age, and he’ll start to tell you how he feels, talk about his ideas and say words and do things that might surprise you.

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• How can you encourage communication through baby body language?

• Watch your baby from very early age .

• Watch how your baby moves her\his limbs.

• Learn to recognize his various moods.

• Talk to him when he's alert \ awake.

• Learn to tell when your baby is tired.

• Always respond to his efforts to communicate.

Applied Linguistics. Dr.Izdihar Alhariri


Bashayer Ahmed Al-Malki