B4 S1.2 Readonly


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Book4 Story1.2

Book 4 Story 1.2 Justin Justin Likes Music x hun yn yu

Book 4 Chapter One ~ Story 1.2VocabularyRefer to S1.2 Booklet P2 ~ P3


Vocabularyopposite to the music classroom zi yn yu jio sh du min


Vocabularylikes playing drum the most zu x hun d g


Vocabularyplay the piano tn n qn


Vocabularyplay guitar tn j ta


Vocabularywatch movie kn din yn


Vocabularycinema din yn yun


Vocabulary join in band cn ji yu du


Vocabulary besides ch le y wi hi


Vocabulary often jn chn


Vocabulary have test cn ji ko sh


Vocabulary get first prize d le d y mn


Vocabulary Please be quiet. qn n jn


Vocabulary terrible zo o


Vocabulary dislike to yn


Vocabulary history l sh


Vocabulary other classroom bi de jio sh


Vocabulary think it is too nosiy ju d ti cho le


Vocabulary very sad hn nn u


Vocabulary classmates tn xu men


Vocabulary did really poorly in the test ko de hn ch


Vocabulary get 60 points (in a test) d le li sh fn


Vocabulary as a result ji u


Vocabulary at same time tn sh


Vocabulary do while do y bin y bin


Book 4 Chapter One ~ Story 1.2Justin Refer to S1.2 Booklet P1 x hun yn yu

Practice TipsListen to the audio and translate the Chinese sentences into English;

Look at each picture and try to describe it in your own words. Then click on the speaker to check with the original version;

Look at the pictures and retell the whole story in your own sentences.

Mini Story 1.2Picture 1

Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4

Picture One Justin

du yn yu hn n xn q t de jio sh zi yn yu jio sh de du min chn chn y bin tn t de lo sh shn k y bin kn du min de yn yu jio sh l Justin Justin is very interested in music. His classroom is opposite to music classroom. Everyday, when he has class, Justin often listen to the teacher while watching the students in the opposite music classroom.

de xu shen

Picture Two Justin

zu x hun d ch le d y wi t hi x hun tn j ta mi c shn l sh k yn yu jio sh jn chn yu xu shen zi d Justin Justin likes playing drum the most. Besides of playing drum, he also likes playing guitar. Every time, when Justin has history class, students in the music classroom often play drum. Justins history thinks its too noisy, so he closed door for giving class.

Justin de l sh lo sh ju d ti cho le su y t b mn un le shn k

Picture Three Justin

k sh hn xin tn yn yu jio sh l de xu shen d k sh t qu kn b jin su y t hn b o xn b tn lo sh shn k le However, Justin really wants to listen the students in the music classroom playing drum. He cant see, so he is very unhappy. He didnt listen the teacher.

Justin y tin yu l sh ko sh t y bin zu ko sh y bin xin zhe d

Picture Four Justin

ji u zh d le li sh fn t hn nn u yn wi t de l sh chn j y zh du hn ho k sh zh c qu ko d hn ch As a result, Justin only got 60 points in the test. He was very sad. His grade for History is always very good, but this time he did really poorly in the test.

Book 4 Chapter One ~ Story 1.2Chinese CharactersRefer to S1.2 Booklet P4

You should be able to recognize these 5 Chinese words.

You should be able to recognize these 5 Chinese wordsChinese WordPronunciationPinyinEnglish Meaning1. jio sh classroom2. jio sh opposite3. un mn close door4. mi c every time5. ko sh test

You should be able to write these 4 Chinese characters.

You should be able to write these 4 Chinese characters.Chinese WordPronunciationPinyinEnglish Meaning1.ynmusic2.yu music3.sh room4.ko test

Table of Content Vocabulary List Story Chinese CharactersProducer: Lynn LiVoice: Lynn LiIf you have any question, please contact Ms.Li at Lynn.Li@saschina.org
