Aug 22 2012 black hole unlock city towers aug 21 2012


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  1. 1. Coronal Holes: 21 Aug 12 A stream of solar wind flowing from the indicated coronal hole should reach Earth on Aug. 26-27. Credit: SDO/AIA.Projections & MAKE A PROJECTP. Anna PaddonStatisticsYour 1979 Substitute Teacher Lillooet BC Canada.Education Revision Elect as MLA May 14 2013
  2. 2. This sequence shows the disturbance in the Earths magnetic field that triggered the collapse and blackout of the Hydro Quebec system during the Great Geomagnetic Stormof March 13, 1989. Storm conditions (as measured by rapid rates of change in the Earths magnetic field) are depicted over the time 7:40-8:00 GMT (UT). The Hydro Quebecsystem blackout occurred at 7:45 GMT. Velocity Project WeatherNOAAGeomagnetic Storms: three activity SPACE WEATHER levels: active,Probabilities for significant disturbances minor storm, Forecastsin Earths magnetic field are given forsevere stormUpdated at: 2012 NOAAAug 20 2200 UTCForecasts Updated at: 2012 Aug 20 2200 UTCMid-Latitudes 0-24 hr24-48 hrFLARE0-24 24-48 hrACTIVE10 %10 %hrMINOR 05 %05 %CLASS M15 %15 % SEVERE01 %01 % CLASS X 01 %01 %High Latitudes 0-24 hr24-48 hr 15 %15 % PHPSESSID=bkrub3olnofkh7f0eukt3aosj2&month=08&day=21&year=2012&view =viewMINOR 20 %20 %SEVERE15 %20 %
  3. 3. Velocity ProjectMarsSurface gravity (m/s2)3.71Earth 9.80Ratio (Mars/Earth) 0.379Surface acceleration (m/s2) 3.69Earth 9.78Ratio (Mars/Earth) 0.377Escape velocity (km/s)5.03Earth 11.19 Ratio (Mars/Earth) 0.450Click icon to add picture Bond albedo 0.250 0.306 0.817landingmovie_phoenix.jpg 640 480 - Phoenix Lander Arrives at Mars
  4. 4. ../planets/index.cfm Our Solar System Sun Mercury Venus Earth Earths Moon Mars Asteroids Meteors & Meteorites Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Dwarf Planets Comets Kuiper Belt & Oort Cloud Beyond Our Solar System Summarize your research here in three to five bullet points: Rotation period - Wikipedia, the free 1st bullet point: There is a mix of planet sizes further away. l "Typically, the stated rotation period for a gas giant (Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) is its internal rotation period, asdetermined from the rotation of the planets ... 2nd bullet point: The sun is in the centre of all orbits.Measuring rotation - Earth - Rotation period of selected ... 3rd bullet point: There are smaller planets closer to the sun. 4th bullet point: There is a band of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. Study should reveal gravity. 5th bullet point: Pluto isnt in NASAs list of planets.
  5. 5. Variables Say Goodbye To Pluto In The Planetary ClubAnd goodbye to Plutos status as a planet. I guess some people are taking it hard,seems like the demotion was overdue to me. Heres the new layout for the solarsystem, consisting of the 8 planets, asteroids, comets and several dwarf planets, of ... mass ejection (CME) directly toward Controlled variables: NASA, Encyclopedia Brittanica, Mass, Rotation, Sun which Pluto is the prototype. Mars. According toDistance.Solar Systems Eight Planets. analysts at the Independent variable: The one variable that you purposely changes amount of planets and distance from the sun. Tests reality of source reliability, sources cited resources research.Solar Systems Nine Planets.Dependent variable: The measure of change observed in research equipment creates an independent variable. It is important to choose the most accurate source for models for origin & research direction: Weather, Solar, Moon, Solar Systems Eight Planets.Planet: MassPeriod of rotationDistance from the sun Solar Systems Nine Planets. Mercury innermost of the EIGHT planets in the!) MercuryNASA 1024 kg 0.3302 5.97360.0553 Volume 1010 km3 EncylEncyl Brittania Period of AxialRotation: 58.65 Earth daysEncyl Brittania 58 millionkilometer (36 million miles).Brittania Mass: 0.055 Solar System. It is smallest, in Suns orbit has the(Earth=1) highest eccentricity of the eight.2) VenusNASA Mass (1024 kg) Thinkquest: 108,000,000Nasa: 243.02 (retrograde.) 242 earth days torotate on its axis. Venus second planet from the Sun 3rd smallest ,4.8685 5.9736 0.815. WIKI:HYPERTEXT: retrograde (opposite) relative knewsnet5: 109 million km orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days near twin of Earth in 4.87 x1024 kg or 0.815 of to the earths movement (68 million miles.) size, mass, and density. Earth Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the densest and3) EarthNASA: 1024 kg "23 hours, 56 minutes, 4seconds long",669,180 km fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It is also the largest of the Solar Marsfourth planet from the Sun in the Solar Syste4) Mars NASA (1024 kg)0.64185 5.9736-24 hours 39 minutesand 35 seconds axisNASA 149,600,000kilometers (km),910,0 the "Red Planet", iron oxide prevalent on its surface0.107 Earth MassMartian day is 1.026 Earth days00 km year= 88 earth days gives it a reddish appearance.NASA(1024 kg) 1,898.6 Jupiters mass 2.5 times more than all in our Solar System combined massive barycenter withother planets 5) Jupiter5.9736 317.83. 1.89813 1027 kgsNASA: 0.41 (9.8 Earth hours).WIKI:Jovian Day 10 Earth hours year 12Earth years or 4383 Earth Days orbital periodNASA thinkquest: 778 millionkm nasa5.2 astronomical units, or AUhyperphysics.phy: AU = 5.79x107 km the Sun wiki nasa force of gravity 2.4 times the force of gravity on the is 11.86 years surface of Earth 100 pounds on Earth would weigh about 240 pounds on Jupiter6) Saturn NASA: (1024 kg) 568.46Nasa: Saturns Rotation Period is a NASA: 30.07 AU (4,498,252,900km) Planet average distance Saturn elliptical orbit is inclined at 2.48 average 5.9736 95.159 Wiki: 5.68319 Puzzle Thinkquest:Saturn one yearfrom the Sun is 1,400,000,000 km. 0.0562610 kilogramsabout equal to 10,759 Earth dayseccentricity causes distance to vary speed 9.69km 10,759 earth days to orbit sun. 1,400,000,000 km.Saturn and Sun by 155,000,000 km between aphelion & perihelion7) UranusNASA: (1024 kg) 86.832NASA: 0.72 (17.9 EarthNASA: 19.19 AUUranus the seventh planet from the Sun and the third largest5.9736hours)(retrograde). (2,870,972,200 km.(by diameter). Uranus is larger in diameter but smaller in mass Calculator: 8.68103 1025than Neptune.nineplanets.orgkilograms Neptunes mass is about 1.02 x 1026 kg. This is over 178) Neptune times the mass of the Earth, but the gravity on Neptune is onlyNASA:(1024 kg) 102.43 NASA:0.72 (17.9 Earth hours)NASA:30.07 AU 1.19 times of the gravity on Earth.5.9736 17.147 Calculator: (retrograde)(4,498,252,900 km) Neptune is usually the 1.0241 1026 kilograms eight planet from the sun, but every 248 years Pluto will ...
  6. 6. 1988 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. Mercury. Fact Sheet,Moment of inertia (I/MR 2) 0.33 0.3308 0.998. Author/Curator: Dr. David R. Williams, NSSDC, Mail Code 690.1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771Venus Fact Sheet :: Size, Mass, and Density -- Kids Encyclopedia | Childrens Period of Rotation of Venus Venus: & Rotation of Venus: Planet Venus Year, Day, Spin & Revolution Venus: Weather Weather News, distance from the sun. Venus:, distance from the Rotation: l l "BibliographicEntry, Result (w/surrounding text), Standardized Result. Moche, Dinah. Astronomy. 4th ed. Wiley, 1993: 24. Esrth Mass: Earth Fact Sheet Earth: Eight Planets: Say goodbye to Pluto... Fact Sheet Uranus Fact of Neptune "by Fraser Cain -in 140,491 Google+ circles28 Nov 2008 The mass of Neptune is 1.021026 kg. Thats a pretty big number. If you wrote it out, it would be 102000000000000000000000000 Storm Quebec Black Out: MAKE A PROJECTP. Anna PaddonYour 1979 SubstituteTeacherLillooet BC Canada.Works Cited Education Revision Elect As MLA May 14 2013 Unlock The Key To The Black Hole.