Audience Focus Group


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In this questionnaire I have asked questions to my target audience so that I could fine out what they thought of my magazine. I have asked question specific to my magazine, such as questions about the layout of the pages and the house style etc…

From the results of my questionnaire I will improve the pages of my rock magazine to suite my target audience and there thoughts.

These are the results of my questionnaire and the improvement I will make to my pages…

Do you think my magazine fulfilled my purpose of self-fulfillment?

Here are some of my results:

‘For the respect of the genre I believe that the images are the perfect fit whereas they would be odd images in different genre.’

‘Maybe add a little tone to the skin using Photoshop.’

‘I think the magazine works well as t is very well presented. It looks profectional and the images are very well suited for the theme in order for people to look up to them.’

From the results from my target audience I have decided that they are happy that my magazine has fulfilled the purpose of self-fulfillment and that I don’t need to change anything as a result of this response.

How successful is my magazine at communicating the message ‘Don’t let anyone stop you from following your dreams’?

Here are some of my results:

‘I think that it clearly gives that message away and many readers will be inspired.’

‘In my opinion this message could be featured more be clearly showing a positive side of how people have made it in the music industry.’

‘It is after reading the Brian Johnson article.’

From the results from my target audience I have decided that I need to improve the way I have put across my message of ‘Don’t let anyone stop you from following your dreams’ as it seems that is has not come across as clear as I had hoped.

After reading my magazine pages, what elements stood out the most, and what elements would you share with you family and friends?

Here are some of my results:

‘The information on the Brian Johnson because it is very informative.’

‘I think the Contents page stood out the most to me because it caught my attention the most and I thought the pictures worked well/’

‘Obviously it’s not a whole magazine but ‘competition’ on the front cover is always a good seller, also the Brian Johnson article was well written.’

‘The colour scheme and the way the text stood out against the background images.’

From the results from my target audience I have decided that there are lots of elements of my magazine that will stand out to my target audience and people will buy it shops.

Does the colour scheme and house style fit in with the rock music genre? If not why? And how could it be changed it fit with the genre?

Here are some of my results:

‘Yes it fits the house style of rock.’

‘I think the colour scheme fits in very well with the genre and is consistent throughout.’

‘Yes it does, because these colours all are fitting for the magazine and the rock music genre. They are all darker colours which makes them more appropriate for this magazine.’

‘The colour scheme fits well with the rock music genre for this edition. The back creepish title and somber colours match with the dark news of ‘rehab again’ and ‘X takes cocaine’.’

From the results from my target audience I have decided my colour scheme and house style fit with the rock music genre which I am trying to achieve.

What are your first impressions of my front cover, contents page and double page spread?

Here are some of my results:

‘I like the placement of the images and text, following the rule of thirds quite well.’

‘Very good, the double page seems a bit empty though, try adding a background pattern.’

‘Screams out rock magazine with the colours selected. The text being aligned gives the magazine a professional look.’

‘First impressions good. Front cover, Rock On needs to be red and also Rock or Dust. The contents page main image needs to be smaller and then the featured and monthly information could be spread out more and bolder.’

From the results from my target audience I have decided that although there were lots of positive feedback I think I need to add something in the black space around the main image of the double page spread, for example, a pattern. I will also make the main image on the double page spread smaller so that I can make the imformation bigger and easier to read on the oposite side of the page.’

Front Cover

On the front cover, do you think that the cover lines stand out from the background and if not how could I make the cover lines stand out more?

Here are some of my results:

‘I think the cover lines could stand out a bit more by using a bigger font or a different type of font.’

‘The Rock On blends into the image, could do with being another colour.’

‘Grey does’t really jump out at you, try experimenting with different colours.’

‘With the Rock On in bright red and Rock or Dust in bright red and if the background was lighter, it would help draw the reader attention.’

From the results from my target audience I have decided to change the colour of the headline at the top of the page to make it stand out to the reader on the self. I will also make the background, main image most faded or lighter to make the cover lines more clear and stand out.

Do you think I should have used props in the main image on the front cover ? If yes what props could I have used and why?

Here are some of my results:

‘Absolutely not, cool and distinguished is the right move.’

‘Maybe an instrument?’

‘No need for props. Subjects are sufficient.’

‘Possibly one guitar but that also runs the risk of making it look cluttered.’

‘No just people works better.’

From the results from my target audience I have decided that I will not add any props to my main image because my aim was simple but effective. If I add lots of props it takes away the focus of the people in the image and makes the page look cluttered.

What else could I add to the front cover that would appeal you to buy this one over another magazine of the rock music genre?

Here are some of my results:

‘The words Poster Inside.’

‘I would be most willing to buy the magazine is there were one or two smaller pictures related to the articles within the magazine.’

‘Just enough on there, would be to busy if there was any more.

‘Just make it stand out more by using bright red as suggested earlier.’

From the results from my target audience I have decided that I could add more glimpses from what's inside the magazine such as ‘Poster inside’ or more smaller images about the articles inside the magazine. I could also add brighter colors to the text to make it stand out more to the audience.

Do you have any further comments about the front cover?

Here are some of my results:

‘Not really but maybe re-size the image on the first page so that there heads aren't covering the title so much.’

‘The title looks good and the ‘WIN’ idea is a great bonus.’

‘No I think the front cover look great.’

‘Very successful, the title reflects the contents.’

From the results from my target audience I have decided that other than a few minor things to add, from my feedback, my front over overall reflects the rock music genre well.

Contents Page

Do you think that the layout of the contents of the contents page is to over crowded and why?

Here are some of my results:

‘I think its ok the way it is because the more busy it is for this theme the more it fits the rock music genre.’

‘I do not think the page is overcrowded.’

‘Yes, I think the image could be smaller as when you look at the page the image draws attention away from the contents.’

‘Not too overcrowded but could make the font larger on the content so that is easier to read and the image smaller.’

From the results from my target audience I have decided that the content page is not to over crowded but the text is to small and the main image is too big. By making the main image smaller, I can make the text bigger making is easier for the audience to read.

You think anything else can be added to the contents page that would make it appeal more to the readers of the rock music genre?

Here are some of my results:

‘No its informative.’

‘No I think the contents page has the right amount of information and is related to the theme.’

‘No the page is full.’

‘A few more picture next to the articles.’

From the results from my target audience I have decided that my content page is full of content which is related to the rock music genre. I could add more images next the articles but I think this make the page look too overcrowded and as a result look unprofessional.

Do you think the layout of the page works well and why?

Here are some of my results:

‘Yes because its busy and overcrowded at the same time which makes is more interesting to look at.’

‘I think it works well, as it shows what is featured within the magazine. The image also works well on the page.’

‘The page layout works well. The titles and page numbers of the features are clear, section headings are good.’

‘would work well with the information larger and bolder.’

‘Yes because there's a good balance and use of space.’

‘Yes because the house style is appealing and all the text fits well.’

From the results from my target audience I have decided that my contents page layout works well but to improve I will make the main image smaller and the text bigger making the contents easier to read.

Do you have any further comments about the contents page?

Here are some of my results:

‘Nope its great.’

‘No further comments.’

‘Great for this issue but I want to see something different in the next re picture and colour-scheme rather than layout,’

‘All I would say is with the ‘on the cover’ part, the red text on the black background isn’t easy to read.’’

From the results from my target audience I have decided that other than a few minor things to add, from my feedback, my contents page overall reflects the rock music genre well.

Double Page


What could I add around the main image on the double page spread to fill out the left page more?

Here are some of my results:

‘Either interesting news of the artist or personal information readers didn’t know previously.’

‘Background patterns.’

‘Union jack background.’

‘Musical instruments.’

‘Presumably you haven't used Brian Johnson due to copyright but I’d say go for something like a studio background.’

From the results from my target audience I have gained lots of different ideas of how I could used the space on the page around the main image. I will try some of the ideas suggested and will use what works best.

Do you think that the font still works from the front cover, to the contents page, to the double page spread? Or do you think a different font for the double page spread?

Here are some of my results:

‘Yes, it’s good having the same font and the people featured in the magazine are consistent.’

‘Yes it makes the magazine instantly identifiable.’

‘Font style and size should be consistent throughout, good.’

‘I think that it is personal choice, anything except Comic Sans!’

From the results from my target audience I have decided that the font still works from the front cover, to the contents page, to the double page spread. I have come to the concussion that my target audience like a consistence font style throughout.

Do you have any further comments about the double page spread?

Here are some of my results:

‘Nope its great.’

‘No further comments’


From the results from my target audience I have decided that other than a few minor things to add, from my feedback, my double page spread overall reflects the rock music genre well.
