Audience feedback from questionnaire


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Audience Feedback Questionnaire

Q1: Would you read my magazine after seeing the list of articles?

Looking at my results 89.95% of the audience said that they would be interested , and 19.05% said they would not have been. I gave my survey out to both my primary and secondary audience, and I feel like my secondary audience being too old would have been the reason for these results, as I purposely wanted them to target the young. But over all I am pleased, as the majority said that they would read the articles.

Q2: What do you think could be improved on my double page spread?

I wanted to know what I could have improved on my double page spread, to help me in the future. I am happy that people said ‘nothing’, as this tells me that they really enjoyed it. My survey also tells me that I have not included everything that my audience where looking for, as they wanted to see “more photos”, “more personal questions” , some said that they felt like they didn’t really get to know the artist. I can understand why they would have wanted more photos, from my research as young audiences prefer more image based magazines. And they would have wanted more personal questions , I will consider this in the future and let the audience get to know the artist. One of the responses said that they “wanted a better story to read about”, a reason for could be from my secondary audience again, not able to connect with him because he is young.

Q3: Do you think that my magazine is like other pop magazines on the market?

The majority of my results said that it was like other pop magazines on the market, which I am pleased with, as I wanted my audience to instantly recognize the genre of my magazine. Others said that they thought it was different, which is also good as each magazine is unique and has its own brand identity.

Q4: What do you think was the best thing on my cover page?

I wanted to know was was most effective about my cover page, so I would know what to improve in the future and what worked well. 9 out of 21 people said the image was the best, and 5 people said the colour. I chose pink so that it purposely attracted females, as well as using a female cover star so that she would be more relatable.

Q5: Did you find the interview interesting to read?

18 people said that they did find my interview interesting to read, and 3 people didn’t. From question 2, I know why they didn’t find it interesting so I would be able to improve this.

Q6: Was my magazine relatable to you?

I wanted my audience to relate to my magazine because it would allow them to enjoy it more. My magazine was relatable as 19 people said yes and only two people said no.

Q7: Did you think that the images worked well on my magazine?

I knew that the images where going to be most effective on my magazine so I had to make sure that the audience liked them. 15 people said yes, and 6 people said no.