Artist/Bands Website Analysis


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To also gain valuable inspiration for when it came to creating my own artist website, I Googled the term Electronic Dance Music artists and set about looking on the websites of those suggested. On this presentation, are websites I found to analyse...

Skrillex is a an American electronic music producer, DJ, singer and songwriter, with his own website very much emphasising this.

You are greeted by the futuristic (relating to the advanced conventions of my genre) style homepage, filled with various social media posts, further expanding my Target Audience research point of how EDM listeners are hyperactive on social media.

There are twelve pages on Skrillex's website. Five of these being his social media sites (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Soundcloud) useful for if his fans/ visitors to the site wish to receive regular updates regarding his life. This way, they can always 'stay in the loop' of his latest projects/features.

The other tabs are links to his store, for if you wish to purchase clothing or accessories that relate to the him (wearing his clothing will then advertise his brand- commercialisation).

All Electronic Dance Music artist websites I have looked upon today each bring something fresh and unique to an upcoming contemporary audience. The culture of Electronic Dance Music is crisp, polished and current; reflecting highly in the websites I researched; allowing artists to bring their products however they desire to their fans/listeners.

Aside from this, there are tabs for if you want to be put onto his 'mailing list'. In my opinion, despite the promotional element to E-mails, Skrillex's social media outlets are perhaps more instant for if you want to keep personally updated/ in contact with the artist himself.

Skrillex also has a released songs 'Red Lips', 'Stranger', which he has tabbed on his website, all the funds from 'Stranger' going to Youth Charities, further expanding my audience research of EDM being targeted towards the younger generation. This generation can relate with elements like this.

When researching, I established that EDM listeners also enjoy their genre of music live too. Therefore the tabs of Skrillex's website directing the audience to a diary of his tour dates and gallery are also extremely beneficial not only of notifying and informing his audience but in expanding revenue for himself; generating a buzz for his fans, in order for them to pay more to see him live.

David Guetta

In my opinion, the Electronic Dance Music DJ, producer and remixer, David Guetta's website is set out very similarly to how a blog would be.

His homepage instantly advertises his products. These include his latest album 'Listen Again'; and various live concert/gig dates, see opposite. Perfect for catching your eye if you are a customer quickly browsing or wish to gain such information instantly.

A music player featuring Guetta's music is also featured on his site, playing throughout. Again, a promotional tool perfect to advertise the artist's music. All his social media included here too, allowing the viewer easy access to following him; see below

In terms of graphics for the David Guetta site, the site uses 'Parallax Scrolling', as the foreground moves more than the background. For example, on the 'Tour' page, while there is a diary of live shows and a Google map directing you to the location, the background has still remained the same from the homepage:

Aside from the generic 'Music' and 'Video' tabs, seen here (Also directing the consumer to specific 'Music'). There are is a 'Forum' tab, perfect for if you are an EDM fan and desire to converse with others about your interests; just as my Audience Research say is the hegemonic movement.

There is also a 'Newsletter' tab for if you wish to be regularly updated of David Guetta projects.

Zedd, the Grammy Award winning musician, music producer and DJ primarily produces the electro house genre, but has branched out, drawing influences from progressive house, dubstep and classic music.

Zedd's homepage to his website features various elements to the producer's 'brand'. For example, everything from his tour dates,mailing list details, to merchandise, to music advertisement is featured. If you are a fleeting visitor to the site, this therefore gives opportunity for Zedd's 'brand' to be highly publicised.

The tabs upon the toolbar within his website are all very generic, with opportunities to browse his 'Music', 'Videos', 'Photos' and to look through his 'Tour' dates. There is also a 'News' page giving all the latest and direct coverage in regards to the EDM producer; with a Zedd 'Community', allowing you to talk with other Zedd fans ANYTHING regarding the star himself.

Within the toolbar, Zedd's social media pages are linked, giving his fans the opportunity to follow their EDM favourite on all Media outlets, the site even propositions the fans to Get Updates

Daft Punk's website is very unique in it's layout. In my opinion, this is the freshest design I have seen; extremely contemporary. Their homepage features various merchandise disguised as vintage artwork; a perfect commercial tool. E.g.

With further investigation, it seems the Daft Punk website is almost like an online shop, with every giving the site visitor almost every opportunity to 'Register' or 'Shop'. Even being able to change to your country's currency. The site also has direct links to Daft Punk's social media.

One feature of Daft Punk's website I look upon favourably is their helmet ident that splits in two when you click the 'Video' tab to reveal the material, (Again, not clearly labelled, forcing you to look around the website and consequently perhaps purchase). I feel this is fresh, unique and an original idea.
