Art 31 - India Ink Trees (Elementary)



Elementary Art Project

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• 12” x 12” White Paper

• India Ink

• Plastic Sheeting

•Water Bucket


•Watercolor Paints



•Vinyl Gloves

Step 1: Trees

Cover work surface with plastic sheeting.

Use vinyl gloves if needed to protect hands from India Ink.

Trees Continued

One drop of India Ink at the bottom edge of white piece of paper.

Trees Continued

Use a straw to blow ink drop up towards top edge of paper to create first tree.

Trees Continued

Continue using only one drop of India Ink at a time before moving on to the next drop.

Trees Continued

Fill up entire white paper with at least ten India Ink trees from the left side to the right.

Step 2: Leaves

India Ink trees must be completely dry before painting tree leaves.

Leaves Continued

Pick one primary or secondary color to begin painting leaves on trees.

Leaves Continued

Make sure to alternate between trees to leave room for a second color paint.

Leaves Continued

Pick a second primary or secondary color to fill in the rest of trees.

Leaves Continued

Keep leaves on top half of trees only leaving the bottom half of paper open.

Step 3: Ground

Use the two chosen colors from the tree leaves to fill in the very bottom of paper to create the ground.

Step 4: Outline

Use a complementary color marker to outline the first color chosen for tree leaves.

i.e. green leaves outlined with a red marker.

Outline Continued

Use a complementary color marker to outline the second color chosen for tree leaves.

i.e. orange leaves outlined with a blue marker.

Step 5: Sky

Now that all tree leaves have been outlined begin to paint the remaining white areas for the sky.

Choose a watercolor paint not used on the tree leaves.

Sky Continued and Finish

Make sure every area of sky around leaves, trees and ground is painted in.

Let dry and hang on the wall to enjoy!
