Argentinian banknotes



Argentinian banknotes & coins - Presentation given in Trenel - Intercultural Project

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Bartolomé Mitre

• Argentinian (1821-1906)•Part of political and military conflicts of the country before and after the sanction of the national constitution (1853).•Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires.•President of the Republic in 1862.•He established the basis for the organization of a peaceful country.

2 pesos

Front side•Portrait of the hero.•Manuscript of “Historia de Belgrano y de la Independencia. Argentina“.•Reproduction of the gate of his house.

Back side• Biographical synthesis of the national hero.•House of the national hero.•First letters of his name.

• Argentinian (1778-1850).•Soldier , statesman and military leader.•He helped to lead the revolutions against the Spanish rule in Argentina (1812), Chile (1818), and Peru (1821). •He crossed the Andes to Chile and went on by sea. •He was a decisive factor in the defeat of Spanish power in South America.

José de San Martín

5 pesos

Front side•Portrait of the National hero.•His will expressing his feelings, thoughts and beliefs. •"El Abrazo de Maipú“: meeting between San Martín and O’Higgins because of the Independence of Chile.

Back side•Biographical synthesis of the national hero.•Monument to The Andes Army.•Medal : “Órden del Libertador”.

Manuel Belgrano

•Argentinian (1770-1820).•He created the Argentinean flag. In 1812 he made a vow to the blue and white flag.•In 1810 he was designed as the Vocal in “La Primera Junta”.•The General was an essential figure in the fight for the Argentinean Independence.

10 pesos

Front side•Portrait of the National hero.•Report of Manuel Belgrano to the Government of Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata.•Monument of "La Patria Abanderada".

Back side•Biographical synthesis of the national hero.•Monumento Nacional de la Bandera.•A drum.

Juan Manuel de Rosas

•Argentinian (1793-1877).•In 1820 and 1825 he organized militias to defend Buenos Aires.•In 1829 and 1835 he was designed Governor of Buenos Aires.•He established the “Pacto Federal” looking for the pacification with the interior of the country. •He directed the “Campaña al Desierto” extending national occupation of lands.•He defended the sovereignty of the country against bordering and European countries.

20 pesos

Front side•Portrait of the national hero.•Picture of Manuelita, his daughter.

Back side•Biographical synthesis of the national hero.•Vuelta de Obligado combat.•Military trophies included in the 8 reals coin.

Domingo Faustino SarmientoDomingo Faustino Sarmiento

•Argentinian (1811-1888).•Mainly recognized as a writer and scholar.•He took part in military conflicts (1830)•He was elected president of Argentina in 1868. •He ended the war with Paraguay.•He brought education to a largely illiterate country and created, among other institutions the “Ley de bibliotecas populares” and “Banco Nacional”.

50 pesos50 pesos

Front side•Portrait of the national hero.•Manuscript of “La Vida de Dominguito” about his adoptive son.

Back side•Biographical synthesis of the national hero.•Casa de Gobierno ( occupied by the Customs in 1862)

Julio Argentino Roca

•Argentinian (1843-1914).•He started his career as a soldier in 1855 and became a lieutenant.•He was the leader of “ La Conquista del Desierto” (1875-1879) contributing to the development of agricultural economy.•He was the President of Argentina twice: 1880 and 1898.•He made of “Ciudad de Buenos Aires” the “Capital Federal”•Achievements: creation of industries and of national industrial and normal schools, the establishment of a National Congress and of monetary stability.

100 pesos

Front side•Portrait of the national hero. •A letter from Julio A. Roca to Miguel Cané (ambassador in Austria).•Evocation of Argentinian progress lit by the sun of the future.

Back side•Biographical synthesis of the national hero.•Picture: “La Conquista del Desierto”.•Handwritten pages.•A sabre.•A laurel branch.

María Eva Duarte de Perón

•Argentinian (1919-1952).As the wife of President Juan Domingo Perón she:•Promoted women’s suffrage.•Promoted policies to strengthen the social protection of popular sectors•Promoted Social rights of workers. •Conducted extensive social work from the Eva Perón Foundation, where employment, housing and health were her priorities.

100 pesos

Front side•Portrait of the national heroine.•Decoration of leaves and flowers of “ceibo” as an Argentinean symbol.•Legend: “Como mujer siento en el alma la cálida ternura del pueblo de donde vine y a quien me debo"

Back side•Image of Ara Pacis, Goddess of union and freedom (Roman altar of peace of Augustus).•Legend: “Líder popular que luchó por los derechos de los trabajadores, humildes y desprotegidos, realizando una intensa tarea de justicia social. Impulsó la participación de las mujeres en la vida política, promoviendo fervientemente el voto femenino, derecho finalmente consagrado por ley en el año 1947 y ejercido por primera vez en el año 1951”.

1 cents

Front side•United laurel branches surrounding the phrase: "EN UNION Y LIBERTAD“Back side•Value, the word "cent” and the year of coinage.

5 cents

Front side•Legends: "REPUBLICA ARGENTINA“ and "EN UNION Y LIBERTAD“.•National Sun of 32 rays. Back side•Value, the word "cents" and the year of coinage.

10 cents

Front side•Legends "REPUBLICA ARGENTINA" and "EN UNION Y LIBERTAD“.•National emblem. Back side•Value, the word “cents” and the year of coinage.

25 cents

Front side•Legends: "REPUBLICA ARGENTINA" and "EN UNION Y LIBERTAD“•Council of Buenos Aires. Back side•Value, the word "cents“ and the year of coinage.

50 cents

Front side•Legends "REPUBLICA ARGENTINA" and "EN UNION Y LIBERTAD“.•The House of TucumánBack side•Value, the word “ cents” and the year of coinage.

1 peso

Front side•Replica of the back side of the original coin of “1 peso” with the legend "EN UNION Y LIBERTAD” and an emblem of the “Provincias Unidas”. •Legends: "REPUBLICA ARGENTINA" and "PRIMERA MONEDA PATRIA".Back side•Replica of the front side of the original coin with the National sun of 32 rays surrounded by the legend "PROVINCIAS DEL RIO DE LA PLATA".•Value in letters, the year of coinage and two laurel branches.•The coin had its year of coinage changed in 2013, during the commemoration of the bicentennial, where it is replaced by “1813-2013”. 

1 peso Bicentennial of the “revolución de mayo”

Same characteristics of the common coin of 1 peso.Front side•Regions of Argentina illustrated: “PUCARA DE TILCARA”, “EL PALMAR”, “ACONCAGUA”, “MAR DEL PLATA”, “GLACIAR PERITO MORENO”.•Legends: “REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA” and “BICENTENARIO”.•Back side•A rising sun as a symbol of a country in progress. •The inscription “1810 - 2010”. •Value: “1 PESO”.

2 pesos

Front side•Symbol of the Argentinean bicentennial created by the National Government because of its commemoration, with the National sun in the centre.•Legends: “REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA” and “EN UNIÓN Y LIBERTAD”.•Back side•Value: “2 Pesos” surrounded by the symbol of the Argentinean bicentennial.•Commemoration year: “2010” (or the following years of coinage) surrounded by laurels and pearl.