Araucaria Pine


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ARAUCÁRIA TREE(Araucaria angustifolia)

*CHARACTERISTICS: High trees with 20m-25m of height,cylindrical trunk with thick and rough bark and diameter between 90cm-180cm.The leaves are simple,lanceolate,glabrous, leathery, dark green, with spiny apex measuring 3cm-6cm long and 10 mm wide.Young trees have a conical shaped crown and adult trees have a characteristic cup shape crown.Flowers of male trees are distributed in terminal streight cones.The female trees have flowers distributed in cones at the apex of the branches protected by numerous leaves too much near from each other, each cone with 100-150 seeds(pinions).*OCCURRENCE : Minas Gerais & Rio de Janeiro to Rio Grande do Sul.*HABITAT : Forest of “Araucária”.*PROPAGATION : Seeds(pinions).

*WOOD : Soft,light and no durable when exposed to weather.*FLOWERING : September-October.*FRUITING : April-May.*THREATS : Extinction by habitat destruction and indiscriminate exploration.*UTILITIES : Nowadays,the “Araucária”tree exploration is controlled by the Brazilian Government. The trees are used in paper production and for furniture making.The seeds are used as human food . Because of its size,the “Araucária” tree is used in the composition of parks and gardens.*OTHER NAMES : Pine,Brazilian Pine, Monkey Pine, Paraná Pine,“Caiová” Pine, “Curí”, “Curiuva”, “São José” Pine,Missions Pine.


*IMAGES : Internet & own archive.

*TEXT : Search on Internet .

*MUSIC : “Flight of Fantasy”,from : Yanni.


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music belong to theoriginal authors.
