Annette lambeth, rethinking our modern education system


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Annette LambethRethinking Our Modern Education System

Education is one of the most hotly debated topics not only in political circles, but also the public sphere. Anyone who has had children will have an opinion on how they are educated, and will have good and bad things t say about the education system today.

Annette Godfrey Lambeth, the modern education system needs a complete revision on the way it teaches children with learning disadvantages. The modern systems are rigid, and in my opinion only seek to benefit those with academic ability.

Instead, the modern thought among education circles is that children with ADHD would benefit more perhaps with different educational methods rather than with drugs that will no doubt have a long lasting and possibly negative effect in their lives.

My hope for the future is that more resources will be channeled into developing these proven educational methods, rather than short term solutions such as prescription drugs to change children into the students the system demands.

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