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Soap Opera Genre –Ancillary Product


Name: Hannah HughesCandidate Number: 4067Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

OCR Media Studies – A2 Level

Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio

Puffs: This is used to attract the attention of the working class audience. This sis because they are the stereotypical group that are interested in ‘sneak peeks’ and prizes which are usually written in a puff.

Masthead: The masthead is very big, so that it draws attention in from the reader. This is because the institution want brand recognition, so that readers will continue to buy their magazines rather that another competitor soap opera magazine.

Main Headline: The colour pink is used on the main heading to connote love and nurturing. This is clearly related to the heading as it described Kat giving birth. It is also the biggest bit of text because it related to the main image. This is because you wouldn’t have a main text relating to any other image other then the main image.

Use of Punctuation to sensationalize a story: This it to dramatize the main headline. This draw emphasis on the fact that they want the reader to read this article. The punctuation intrigues the audience and makes them want to purchase the magazine and find out what happens to make ‘Kat’s Birth Shocking!’

Web Address (Cross Media Convergence): This has been placed on the cover of the magazine to draw in a younger audience. This attracts the attention of young people and connotes they can view the magazine online.

Main Image(Usually shot at a MCU):This is a traditional shot for magazine covers. It is used to clearly demonstrate that this is the main image and that readers should focus on this image rather then any others. This is probable because this is the biggest story of the week.

Price: The price is very low. This is probably to appeal to a working class audience, as the target audience for soap operas are the working class.

Background colour blue: The colour blue is consistently used in the background of What’s on TV Magazine. This would be to create brand identity and brand recognition.

Secondary cover story: This has a yellow outline to show that this is a different story/Soap Opera to the main image. This connotes that it may not be as important as the main image.

Bold outline of text: This is to outline the fact that this is an important article and it successfully draws attention in from the reader, and suggests that every reader needs to read.

Logos on text: This is used to ‘inform’ (Katz) the readers what Soap Operas all the image relate could also be to attract big fans of certain shows into buying the magazine, purely because their show is mention in it.

Analysis of What’s On TV Magazine

• I would ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale - 1980):– Having the main image overlapping the masthead. This is

because it makes the magazine look more professional and brings in attention to the main story.

– Having the main headline covering a large portion of the page. This is again because it draws the attention of the reader and makes them want to read the article.

– Having punctuation to dramatize and add scandal/shock value the story. This is because it will again make the reader want to read the article.

– The huge outline of the headlines is another convention that I would repeat. This is because it draws attention in and makes the reader interested in finding out what the story will be about.

Strapline: This has the rule of three within it. This is to connote the repeating stories that are within soap operas. It could also be used as a buzz word. The reader could see the words from the strapline and then think of the magazine and therefore feel they should go and purchase the magazine.

Date: The use of the date is very important in a magazine because it makes the it look professional and tells the reader that the information is up-to-date. This is good because for a big fan of soap operas they want to know all the sneak peeks for the week ahead and the date helps them know the information will relate to this weeks soaps.

Price: This magazine costs a lot more then other magazines such as What’s on TV. This could be because it is targeted at a richer/ higher class market.

Barcode: This is a typical convention of a magazine front cover and connotes a simple layout, as they haven’t tried to hide the barcode or move it to the back cover of the magazine.

Use of the colour red (theme): Throughout the magazine red is a continuing theme. This is probable because red connotes lust and danger, which are 2 main themes of a soap opera.

Secondary cover story: This has a yellow outline to show that this is a different story/Soap Opera to the main image. The connotations of the colour yellow are to draw in attention. This is probable why the colour yellow is used in magazine covers.

Tragedy: This verbal code is repeated in many of Inside Soaps magazines. This could be used so that the company have brand recognize .

Logos on text: This is used to tell the readers what Soap Operas all the image relate could also be to attract big fans of certain shows into buying the magazine, purely because their show is mention in it.

Main Headline: The colours red and yellow are used in this main heading to connote danger and attracts the attention of the audience. This is clearly related to the heading as it describes ‘Deadly Showdowns!’. It is also the biggest bit of text because it probable the biggest story of that week in all soap operas.

Use of Punctuation to sensationalize a story: This it to dramatize the main headline. This draw emphasis on the fact that they want the reader to read this article. The punctuation intrigues the audience and makes them want to purchase the magazine and find out what happens to make ‘Kat’s Birth Shocking!’

Analysis of Inside Soap Magazine

• I would ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale - 1980):– The use of theme colours in a convention that I would

repeat in my magazine cover. This is because it boosts brand recognition.

– I would also repeat having the price and barcode on display. These are two typical and basic items that should be on every magazine cover, they have a way of making the magazine look professional and full up.

– Another convention that I would repeat would be the outline of all the secondary stories. This sis because it clearly shows the reader that they are from separate soap operas and makes the page look more filled up.

Main Headline: The colour pink is used on the main heading to connote love and nurturing. This is clearly related to the heading as it described ‘Baby Switch Exposed!’.

Secondary cover story: This has a small and thin outline to show that this is a different story/Soap Opera to the main image. But also to demonstrate that this magazine doesn’t think the main story is any less important them the other soap operas stories.

Background colours yellow and purple: The use of these to colours is very interesting for a soap opera magazine. Purple connotes royalty, whereas yellow connotes attention. This suggests that this magazine thinks highly of itself and wants the readers to pay attention to them, rather then another magazine.

Barcode: This is a typical convention of a magazine front cover and connotes a simple layout, as they haven’t tried to hide the barcode or move it to the back cover of the magazine.

Colours: There are many different colours used in this magazine front cover. This could connote that the magazine is really trying to raw attention to itself. Maybe this magazine isn’t as popular as others such as, What’s on TV or Inside Soap. However they are still trying tot attract readers through he vibrant use of colours.

Price: The price is very low. This is probably deliberate in order to appeal to a working class audience, as the target audience for soap operas are the working class.

Web Address (Cross Media Convergence): This has been placed on the cover of the magazine to draw in a younger audience. This attracts the attention of young people it means they can view the magazine online.

Date: The use of the date is very important in a magazine because it makes the it look professional and tells the reader that the information is up-to-date. This is good because for a big fan of soap operas they want to know all the sneak peeks for the week ahead and the date helps them know the information will relate to this weeks soaps.

Analysis of Soap Opera Digest Magazine

• I would ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale - 1980):– The use of several different stories on the cover. This is

to draw in the attention of the reader, because there are so many stories they can look at.

– The use of a header and footer on the front cover. This adds emphasis on the main headline and image. It also clearly displays prizes or less important or exciting stories.

– Multiple images on the cover. This makes the magazine look busy and full of information about hundreds of different soap operas.

Logo: This is for brand recognize. It allows the audience to know what channel this show is going to be on. It is also displayed as a ‘sticker’. This could be to connote that this is for a younger audience.

Main image: There is only one image in this poster. This is because the poster is only about ‘Skins’. The use of 3 characters in the main image draws the attention of the audience. This is because they could be the characters that this weeks story is based around. Another point about the main image is that they are playing teenager. This could draw the attention of a younger audience, as they feel they can relate to the actors in the image.

Series 3: This is a very typical convention for a TV series to have. This is because it makes people want to go and watch the show. As skins is on its third series, this could suggest that the show is popular or very good. This displays to the audience who don’t watch the show that they should. This overall enlarges the shows audience.

Font: This is a fun and childish font. This could connote that the show is for a younger audience. This is backed up by the young actors in the main image and the sticker affect on the channels logo.

Use of the colour red: In this point of call, the boy on the right is wearing a red jacket. This is probable because red connotes lust and danger. They are 2 main themes of a TV show.

Use of the colour gold: In this point of call, the girl is wearing a gold necklace. This is probable because gold connotes luxury, triumph and prestige. In shows aimed at teenagers, there is typically a female character that thinks highly of herself and beliefs that she is a luxury and that a prize to be won.

Analysis of Skins Point of Call

• I would ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale - 1980):

– The font being appropriate for the target audience. For a soap opera it is important to ensure that all conventions display and appeal to the target audience.

– Having lots of different colours that follow the connotations, for example red for lust/danger.

Use of the colour red: In this poster, the women is surrounded by a thick red sky. This is probable because red connotes lust and danger. They are 2 main themes of a TV show.

Infinity: In this poster the g of Revenge is actually the infinity symbol. This could be a theme from within the show, and connote that the women will not fail or let anyone else win.

Font is white: The text on this poster is white. This connotes innocents and purity. This could connote that the women has be wrong done and feels that she needs to get revenge on the people who hurt her or her family. This ties in with the infinity symbol and could imply that she wont give up until the people who wronged her have paid for what they did.

Sunday: The use of Sunday in big fonts is to draw in the attention of the audience. This will make the audience what to see what’s on Sunday. Once they have looked at the poster they may feel inclined to watch the show.

Black: There are many reasons why they would use the colour black. This colours connotes elegance, power, death and danger. This backs up the characteristics of the actress.

Thorns: When researching this show I discovered that the characters name is ‘Emily Thorn’. The use of thorns on the black dress could be a play on her name. It could also connote that she is strong and willing to fight.

Tag Line: In this poster the tag line is ‘Her Next Move’. This connotes that she is the one seeking revenge on people and that she is about to attack her next victim. The tag line successfully draws in the viewer and makes them what to find out what her next move will be.

ABC Channel: The use of the TV channel it will be aired on is a good way to promote the show. This is because the audience will see that the show is on ABC and can then may what to watch it because it is on a popular channel.

Gold Skin and Hair: The use of the colour gold on the characters body and hair could connote that she is wealthy. It could also mean that she will be triumphant. She is typically a female character that thinks highly of herself.

Premieres: In this poster the use of the word Premiere could be seen as the producers of Revenge trying to make an event of the show. When you think of a premiere you think of glamour and elegance (which ties in to the black dress).

Analysis of Revenge Poster

• I would ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale - 1980):

– Use of the TV channel on the poster. This could add brand recognition because people will recognise the channel and may want to watch the show.

– Having lots of different colours that follow the connotations. E.g. red for lust/danger