Anatomy 3-images


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The foot

• 26 bones and 32 joints

• 3 groups

• Tarsals

• Metatarsals

• Phalanges

Movements of the ankle

• Plantar flexion (point)

• Dorsi flexion (flex)

• Inversion (soul of the foot pointing in)

• Eversion (soul of the foot pointing away)

Three arches• Medial - base of big toe to the heel

• Lateral - base of little toe to the base of the heel

• Transverse - base of big toe to the base of the little toe

Arches provide

• Support

• stability

• balance

• adaptability

• Mulha and uddiyana

• Bone shape

• Ligamentous structures

• Tension of the myofascia


Muscles of the foreleg• Tibialis anterior - Dorsi flex ankle

• peroneus longus -

• gastrocnemius - plantar flex the ankle

• soleus - plantar flex the ankle

• intrinsic foot muscles

• Plantar fascia - arch support

Plantar fascia

The plantar fascia is the flat band of tissue (ligament) that connects your heel bone to your toes. !

Plantar fasciitisstrain - weak, swollen, and irritated (inflamed).!Symptoms - pain around the bottom of your foot and heel when you stand or walkPlantar fasciitis !- Older people!- people on their feet allot!- weak foreleg muscles!!!!


The knee

Boney structureBoney structure of the knee: Patello-femoral joint!Femerotibial joint!Menisci

Knee ligaments: Medial and lateral collateral ligaments!Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments


Flexion - bends the knee!Extension - straightens the knee!External rotation - turns foot out with bent knee!!

Internal rotation - turns foot in with bent knee

Major ligaments!MCL (medial co-lateral ligament) !LCL (lateral co-lateral ligament) !!restrict side to side movements of the knee!helps maintain alignment of forwards and backwards movements at the knee !ACL (anterior cruciate ligament)! PCL (posterior cruciate ligament) !!prevents the tibia from sliding forward under the femur and rotation when the knee is flexed

Meniscus• Two separate additional pieces of cartilage that sit on the

almost flat surface of the tibia. !

• medial meniscus and lateral meniscus !!

• Cup like shape for the femur to sit into giving stability!!

• Support movements of the knee

• Absorb shock

Meniscus tear

• compression !• movement!!

condyles of the femur pin the meniscus against the top of the tibia. !

Muscles that move the kneeQuadriceps (4 headed)!

• Rectus femoris

• vastus medialis

• vastus lateralis

• vastus intermedius

• Knee extenders

Muscles that move the kneeHamstrings!

• Semitendinosus

• semimembranosus

• biceps femoris

• Knee flexors

AlignmentPrimarily a hinge but it can also do a slight twist!knee and ankle should always be moving in parallel!Knees obey toes especially when weight baring !

Knee above ankle in lunges Muscles influencing the knee - easily stiffen

Kinetic chains



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