Analytical Exposition "Dangerous of Smoking"


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Analytical Exposition

The Dangerous of Smoking

Presented By :1. Bintang Ramadhan (XI IPA-2 / 03)2. Resha Matantya P. (XI IPA-2 / 08)

As any smoker today is the average age of adolescence to adulthood, and therefore we should be aware that smoking is not good for health


Firstly, because a smoker inhales a subtance which contains 43 carcinogenic compounds. What is carcinogen? It is a compound which causes cancer.

Argument 1

Secondly, a smoker also inhales 400 other toxins including nicotine and tar. Nicotine leads to smoking addiction. Tar clogs the lungs and inhibits the body’s capacity to breathe, it causes lung and throat cancer, heart disease, emphysema, bronchitis, and lung disorders.

Argument 2

Thirdly, people who don’t smoke also suffer the effects of passive smoking. Especially if they live with a smoker. The dangers of passive smoking is particles from smoke in the air are smaller than in smoke drawn directly from a cigaratte, so it can penetrate deeper into the lungs if we inhale it.

Argument 3

Teen smoking habit is very dangerous both in terms of education and health as well as socio-economic. In terms of education it is clear that it would interfere with his studies, while in terms of education due to the habit of smoking will cause various diseases. From an economic point of budget spending unnecessary or wasteful.



