ALWG To Build a Fire


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By Jack London

Born in S.F. on Jan. 12th, 1876

Studied at UC Berkeley

Engaged in the Klondike Gold Rush

Was a member of the American Socialist Party

Had a number of famous short stories and novels White Fang, The Call of

the Wild, The Sea-Wolf, The Iron Heel

Also known as the Yukon Gold Rush, or Alaska Gold Rush

Main characters: The Man & The Dog The Man is traveling with The Dog They are on the Yukon Trail The temperature continually

referenced is -50 degrees Fahrenheit

What aspects of your survival do you have direct control over?

Lets rank them

The Man The Dog

What do they rely on to survive?

“There was no keen intimacy (closeness) between the dog and the man“.

How would you characterize the man's relationship to the dog, and what does it suggest about London's general view of humans and animals?

How might the story have been different if there were keen intimacy between the man and his canine? Would the ending change?

New assignment! Pick three of the eight themes of ALWG Find one quote for each theme from chapter

1-9. Be sure to find quotes that are meaningful

and discuss one of the themes you choose. Example: "Whenever I get a chance to

observe the moon now, I still see those same images I saw when I was six, and it pleases me to know that that part of my childhood is still embedded in me" - Loss of innocence/Memory

These will be useful later so choose wisely!

The Damages of War Survival Loss of Innocence Hope Fear Family/Friends/Community Power Memory

Where does Ishmael fall under Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in chapters 8-9? Why? What does this tell us about Ishmael?

Who do you think Ishmael resembles the most in chapter 8: the man or the dog from “To Build a Fire?
