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1. How Do Plants Grow?

2. The Basic Structure of


3. How Do Plants Make Their

Own Food?

4. How Plants Reproduce

5. Strange Plants

6. Basic Structure of Plant


7. Plant Pollinators

8. Plants and Oxygen

9. Plant Adaptation

10. Creating Your Own


All About Plants


How Do Plants Grow?

There are all kinds of plants on earth. Different kinds of plants are adapted to living in every kind of biome. For example, desert plants can live without much water while arctic plants are adapted to the extreme cold winter temperatures. Aquatic plants live only in the water and ocean plants are adapted to life in sea water. In this lesson we will focus on the most abundant kinds of plants, those that grow from seeds with their roots in the soil. Adult plants produce seeds that fall near them or get carried by wind, water, insects or animals to another location. Those seeds that land in a suitable spot will naturally enter into

the soil and stay there until conditions are right for the seed to germinate, that is, begin to grow. Seeds require the right amount of moisture before they begin to germinate and grow. How much water is needed depends upon the plant species. Many seeds require warmth and the right temperature before they begin to grow. That�s why so many plants begin to grow in the warmth of spring.

When conditions are right, the seed begins to change and develops the earliest stages of the plant underground. No one can see this early growth because it occurs underground and it may take weeks before any part of the plant is visible above ground. At first the new plant uses energy stored within the seed itself in order to grow. Meanwhile, the plant is developing its roots and once the roots are mature enough, they take in nutrients from the surrounding soil. The plant then uses these


nutrients in order to continue to grow. By then the nutrients in the seed have been used up. Eventually the plant emerges from the ground and is visible. The amount of time it takes for a plant to emerge after the seed begins to germinate depends on the plant species. Once above ground the plant relies on energy from the sun that it takes in through its leaves as well as soil nutrients that come in through the roots. Some plants reach maturity in just a few days or a week and never get any taller. Large plants like trees grow slowly and take decades to reach their full height. When plants are mature enough they create seeds of their own and the cycle of plant life for that species begins again.


Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______

Multiple Choice Questions

Circle the correct answer.

1. Plants that can only live in water are

a. Arctic plants b. Aquatic plants c. Terrestrial plants d. None of the above

2. Plants that are adapted to the extreme cold of the north are called

a. Arctic plants b. Aquatic plants c. Terrestrial plants d. None of the above

3. What can move seeds away from an adult plant?

a. Water b. Wind c. Animals d. All of the above

4. Before seeds can grow into plants they need the right amount of

a. Moisture b. Warmth c. Both a. and b. above d. None of the above

5. The earliest growth of plants uses nutrients

a. From the sun b. From the soil c. Stored in the seed d. All of the above

6. The roots of young plants take in nutrients

a. From the sun b. From the soil c. Stored in the seed d. All of the above


Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________

Short Answer Questions

1. Have a discussion with a team of your classmates and name plants that grow in different biomes. For example, cactus grows in the desert biome.

2. Describe the steps of plant growth in the proper order.

3. Do some research and list some different kinds of seeds. For example an acorn is the seed of an oak tree.

4. Why do so may plants grow well from seed in the spring?

5. Do some research and explain what a plant embryo is.

6. List some species of trees that grow in your area. Do some research and find out how long each species needs to reach maturity.

7. People who work in plant nurseries grow plants from seed. Would you like to work in a plant nursery? Explain why or why not.


Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. b. 2. a. 3. c. 4. c. 5. c. 6. b.

Short Answer

1. Individual response

2. Individual response

3. Individual response

4. Many seeds require warmth and the right temperature before they begin to grow. That�s why so many plants begin to grow in the warmth of spring.

5. Individual response

6. Individual response

7. Individual response


The Basic Structure of Plants

The basic structure of plants is also

known as a plant�s anatomy. There are

thousands of species of plants on earth but

in this lesson we will focus on the anatomy

of the most abundant kinds of plants, those

that grow from seeds with their roots in the

soil. The roots of plants are below ground

level; they are called the root system. The

root system keeps the plant anchored in the soil while it also takes in

nutrients for plant growth from the soil. The main root of the plant below

ground, also called the tap root, joins to the plant�s main stem above

ground. Roots that branch off from the tap root are called lateral roots.

Lateral roots branch from the tap root like branches of tree. At the end of

lateral roots are root hairs where moisture and nutrients from the soil

enter the root system.

Above ground, branches may form along the main stem. Leaves will

be found along the main stem if the plant does have any branches.

Otherwise, leaves are on the plant�s branches. Leaves have veins inside

them similar to the veins of a human. The veins bring nutrients to the

leaves that come up from the roots and through the stems. There are

seed leaves, called cotyledons, at the bottom of the plant. Cotyledons are


the first leaves to form once a plant grows above the ground. Cotyledons

generally have a different shape than other leaves of the plant.

Most plants produce some kind of flower. Landscaping plants, like

lilacs and roses, are chosen for the beauty of their flowers. Even species

of desert cacti have lovely flowers but the flowers of many plants are not

pretty or showy. Flowering is the way a mature plant creates new seeds.

For some plants, like apple trees, the flowers turn into fruit and the plant�s

seeds are stored inside the fruit. Eventually the fruit ripens to the point

where it falls and eventually bursts open. Then the seeds stored inside are

able to enter the soil and begin the plant�s life cycle again.

At the very top of a plant is a structure called the terminal bud.

Terminal means �ending� so a terminal bud is at the top end of a plant.

Complex plants like deciduous (leafy) trees have many terminal buds

located on the branches.


Basic Structures of Plants


Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______

Multiple Choice Questions

Circle the correct answer.

1. The basic structure of a plant is also known as a plant�s

a. Astronomy b. Astrology c. Anatomy d. All of the above

2. The purpose of the root system of a plant is

a. Anchor the plant in the soil b. Take in nutrients from the soil c. Both a. and b. above d. None of the above

3. The main root of a plant is called the _______ root.

a. Terminal b. Lateral c. Hairy d. Tap

4. A cotyledon is a type of

a. Leaf b. Root c. Stem d. Branch

5. In some species of plants flowers turn into

a. Leaves b. Fruit c. Stems d. Roots

6. Fruit is important to some species of plants because it contains

a. Nutrients b. Seeds c. Terminal buds d. All of the above


Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________

Short Answer Questions

1. Draw a diagram of a dandelion plant and label all the parts of its structure.

2. Create a Venn diagram that compares branches and lateral roots of a tree.

3. Explain the function of root hairs.

4. Have you even pulled up a weed or other plant? Why is it so hard to pull up a plant?

5. Cut up several different kinds of fruit and locate the seeds inside.

6. Explain what a cotyledon is.

7. With a team of your classmates visit the Botanical Society of America�s web site on botany careers. Discuss the kinds of careers available in botany and which one would suit you best.


Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. c. 2. c. 3. d. 4. a. 5. b. 6. b.

Short Answer

1. Individual response

2. Individual response

3. Root hairs take in moisture and nutrients from the soil that then enter into the plant�s root system.

4. It�s hard to pull up most plants because it is the function of the plant�s root system to keep the plant anchored in the soil.

5. Individual response

6. There are seed leaves, called cotyledons, at the bottom of the plant. Cotyledons are the first leaves to form once a plant grows above the ground. Cotyledons generally have a different shape than other leaves of the plant.

7. Individual response


How Do Plants Make Their Own Food?

Humans rely on plants for food.

Even the meat we eat comes indirectly

from plants. For example, cattle are

the source of the beef we eat and

cattle graze on plant material. Where

do plants get their food? Plants are the

only living things on earth that make

their own food.

The process by which plants manufacture their own food is

called photosynthesis. Here �photo� means �light� and

�synthesis� means �make� so photosynthesis means to make

something from light. Plants need sunlight in order to make

their own food. Of course plants need more than just sunlight in

order to make food.

In order to make food plants need:


Nutrients from the soil.

Nutrients enter the plant through its root system.


Water also enters a plant through its root system but some

species of plants can take in small amounts of water through

their leaves.


Carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is a gas that is always present in the air. Its

chemical formula is CO2 which means carbon dioxide is made

up of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. Animals

breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Plants take

in carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air as part of



Chlorophyll is the substance inside plants that makes them

green in color. Chlorophyll is responsible for combining

sunlight, water, nutrients and carbon dioxide into food for the


Photosynthesis combines water and carbon dioxide using

energy from the sun to produce sugars as food for the plants.

Photosynthesis also breaks down carbon dioxide and releases

oxygen into the atmosphere for humans and animals to

breathe. The process opposite to photosynthesis where animals

breathe in oxygen and produce carbon dioxide is call


Remember that trees are plants and like other plants trees

feed themselves through photosynthesis. Forests clean the air

of the carbon dioxide and produce oxygen for all animals,

including humans, to breathe. Forests are an important part of

the earth�s life cycle.


Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______

Multiple Choice Questions

Circle the correct answer.

1. In the word photosynthesis �photo� means

a. Picture b. Painting c. Chlorophyll d. Light

2. Nutrients that are needed by plants enter the plant through

a. Leaves b. Rain c. Root system d. Sunlight

3. One source of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is

a. Animals, including humans b. Plants c. Both a. and b. above d. None of the above

4. Photosynthesis

a. Converts carbon dioxide to oxygen b. Converts oxygen to carbon dioxide c. Both a. and b. above d. None of the above

5. Photosynthesis

a. Creates sugars for the plants b. Uses energy from the sun c. Both a. and b. above d. None of the above

6. When humans breathe it is called

a. Restoration b. Respiration c. Respiratory d. Respite


Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the chemical formula CO2 mean?

2. How do nutrients from the soil enter a plant?

3. To most people sugar is a granular white substance. Is this the sugar that plants produce during photosynthesis? If you don�t know the answer, look it up.

4. Farmers fertilize their fields and homeowners fertilize landscaping plants and lawns. These chemical fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. How does fertilizer help photosynthesis?

5. What is chlorophyll and what is its role in photosynthesis?

6. Draw a diagram of the process of photosynthesis showing inputs and outputs.

7. Why are forests important to humans, even forests that are far away from where we live?


Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. b. 2. a. 3. c. 4. c. 5. c. 6. b.

Short Answer

1. The chemical formula CO2 means carbon dioxide is made up of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.

2. Nutrients enter the plant through its root system.

3. Plant sugars are not the same as table sugar, also called cane sugar.

4. Fertilizer is not directly part of photosynthesis. Fertilizer give plants the nutrients they need to grow properly.

5. Chlorophyll is the substance inside plants that makes them green in color. Chlorophyll is responsible for combining sunlight, water, nutrients and carbon dioxide into food for the plant.

6. Individual response

7. Forests clean the air of the carbon dioxide and produce oxygen for all animals, including humans, to breathe. Forests are an important part of the earth�s life cycle.


How Plants Reproduce

There are hundreds of

thousands of plant species that

grow in all kinds of conditions

everywhere in the world. With such

a great diversity of plants it�s easy

to understand that plants have

several different types of reproduction

but all plants of the same species use the

same method of reproduction. Reproduction

means that new plants are made from one or more parent

plants. Plants that don�t have flowers reproduce differently than

plants that flower.

There are tens of thousands of plant species that don�t

have flowers. These plants use asexual reproduction to create

new plants that are clones of the parent. Flowering plants can

also reproduce asexually without using the flower. There are

many forms of asexual plant reproduction. Some plants will

send up new shoots next to the parent plant. These new shoots

grow from the roots of the parent. Dandelions and aspen trees

are examples of plants that grow from roots. Other plants, like

irises and daylilies, reproduce from rhizomes. A rhizome is

special underground stem of these types of plants. Some

plants, such as daffodils and tulips, grow from bulbs. Mature

plants form new bulbs next to the parent bulb to create more


plants. Some plants can even grow from leaves or stems taken

from the plant and placed in the ground.

Flowering plants create seeds from their flowers through

sexual reproduction. Flowering plants have male and female

parts inside the flower. The male part of a flower is called the

stamen and the female part is called the pistil. Insects like bees

that travel from flower to flower gathering nectar pollinate the

flowers. That means they bring pollen from male flower parts to

female flower parts. Pollinated flowers then can create seeds.

When the flower dies off the seeds get scattered to new

locations by wind, rain or animals. If the seed lands in a

suitable location it can germinate when conditions are right and

grow into a new plant.

Some flowering plants, especially trees and bushes,

produce fruit like apples and blueberries from their pollinated

flowers. The plant�s seed is enclosed inside the fruit and is

exposed once the fruit rots away. If an animal eats the fruit the

seeds will not be digested and the seed will land wherever the

animal poops. Then the new tree or bush will grow far away

from the parent.


Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______

Multiple Choice Questions

Circle the correct answer.

1. In plant reproduction

a. All plants of the same species reproduce the same way b. New plants are made from parent plants c. Flowering and non-flowering plants are different d. All of the above

2. Asexual plant reproduction always creates plants that

a. Are clones b. Flower c. Grow from bulbs d. All of the above

3. Aspen trees reproduce asexually through their

a. Stems b. Roots c. Leaves d. Branches

4. A rhizome is an underground

a. Root b. Stem c. Branch d. None of the above

5. Flowering plants

a. Reproduce sexually b. Have male and female flower parts c. May produce fruit that contains seeds d. All of the above

6. Depending on the plant species seeds are the result of

a. Pollinated flowers b. Asexual reproduction c. Bulbs d. Rhizomes


Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________

Short Answer Questions

1. Explain why all plants of the same species use the same method of reproduction.

2. What is the main difference between asexual and sexual reproduction in plants?

3. The largest clump of aspen trees, called Pando, is located in the state of Utah. Do some research and write a short report about Pando.

4. With a team of your classmates, do some research to list and find pictures of 10 plants that grow from rhizomes.

5. With a team of your classmates, do some research to list and find pictures of 10 plants that grow from bulbs.

6. Do some research and explain the purpose of the stamen of a flower.

7. Do some research and explain the purpose of the pistil of a flower.


Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. d. 2. a. 3. b. 4. b. 5. d. 6. a.

Short Answer

1. All plants of the same species use the same method of reproduction because the plants are all basically the same.

2. Asexual reproduction does not need flowers but sexual reproduction does. Flowers have male and female components that are part of sexual reproduction.

3. Individual response

4. Individual response

5. Individual response

6. Individual response

7. Individual response


Strange Plants

The plants that we are

accustomed to seeing every day

have roots in the soil; have a center

stalk or, in the case of trees, a trunk;

and obtain their food through

photosynthesis. It�s easy to label these

plants of every size, shape and biome as

ordinary plants. Meanwhile there are some

extreme plants that we can readily say are

strange plants. Strange plants are found in some unusual


The most famous plants that are in the strange category

are carnivorous plants. These plants obtain some of their

nutrients by trapping and digesting insects and sometimes

small amphibians like little frogs. The Venus flytrap is native

only to North and South Carolina in the United States where it

grows in poor soil that lacks nutrients. It somehow adapted to

trapping insects to add the proteins it needs to survive. The

Venus flytrap is not a tropical plant and it does survive the

Carolina mild winters. The Venus flytrap has a pod that opens

into halves. When an insect travels between the halves they

quickly close like a trap. The insect cannot escape and is



Another carnivorous plant is called sundew, which grows in

Australia. The sundew flower has small sticky spikes. When an

insect lands on a sundew flower it remains stuck and gets

digested for its nutrients.

There are even plants that don�t require any soil for

growth. Some aquatic plants like the water hyacinth live by

floating in water with roots that dangle downward. They get

their nutrition from the air and water. Air plants don�t need soil

either. Air plants obtain all their nutrients by absorbing them

from the air through their leaves. Air plants are called

epiphytes and they usually are found growing on the branches

of trees, using the tree only for support.

Other strange flowers give off a bad smell, usually like

rotting flesh, in order to attract flies and other insects. Some of

these plants are carnivorous but the Stapelia flower of Africa

uses the rotten smell to attract pollinators. The Stapelia flower

has pollen that sticks to the body of a visiting insect and this

insect carries the pollen to other Stapelia flowers so they can


These are just some examples of strange flowers.

Botanists study strange flowers to learn more about the natural

world around us.


Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______

Multiple Choice Questions

Circle the correct answer.

1. Carnivorous plants

a. Do not need soil b. Trap and digest insects c. Trap and eat small mammals d. Grow in the air

2. A carnivorous plant native to the United States is

a. Venus flytrap b. Stapelia c. Sundew d. None of the above

3. The Venus flytrap captures insects

a. On sticky spikes b. On sticky leaves c. In a pod that opens and shuts d. Underground, in its roots

4. Water hyacinths are

a. Epiphytes b. Carnivorous c. Terrestrial d. Aquatic

5. Plants that obtain all their nutrients by absorbing them from the air are called

a. Epiphytes b. Carnivorous c. Terrestrial d. Aquatic

6. Flies are attracted to plants that smell like

a. Apples b. Lettuce c. Rotting flesh d. All of the above


Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________

Short Answer Questions

1. Locate a picture of the Venus flytrap plant. Draw three pictures of the plant: 1) with its pod open, 2) closing to capture an insect and 3) closed.

2. The lesson states that the Venus flytrap is not a tropical plant. Explain what this means.

3. Describe the sundew plant of Australia.

4. Create a Venn diagram that compares carnivorous plants like the Venus flytrap with ordinary plants like a rose.

5. Do some research and locate pictures of floating aquatic plants. Create a poster of these plants. Be sure to label each plant with its name and where it is found.

6. Describe air plants.

7. Write a short story about a dragonfly that avoids being captured by a Venus flytrap plant. Look up the natural habitat of the Venus flytrap in the Carolinas and use factual details of the surroundings in your story.


Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. b. 2. a. 3. c. 4. d. 5. a. 6. c.

Short Answer

1. Individual response

2. Tropical plants live near the equator between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. The Venus flytrap is native to the Carolinas in the U.S. which is not in the tropics. Therefore the Venu flytrap is not a tropical plant.

3. Another carnivorous plant is called sundew which grows in Australia. The sundew flower has small sticky spikes. When an insect lands on a sundew flower it remains stuck and gets digested for its nutrients.

4. Individual response

5. Individual response

6. Air plants don�t need soil. Air plants obtain all their nutrients by absorbing them from the air through their leaves. Air plants are called epiphytes and they usually are found growing on the branches of trees, using the tree only for support.

7. Individual response


Basic Structure of Plant Cells

The bodies of all living things are made up of cells. The smallest living

things are composed of just one cell. Bacteria and some algae are examples of

one-celled living things but bacteria are neither plants nor animals. Plants and

animals are composed of millions of cells and more complicated animals like

humans have many kinds of specialized cells like skin cells and heart cells. Plants

also have specialized cells like cells in leaves or in roots. No matter where the

cells are located though, plant cells have a different structure from animal cells.

Plant cells have three structures not found in animal cells: a cell wall,

vacuoles and plastids. Animal cells contain centrioles and intermediate filaments

that plant cells don�t have. The cell wall of plants is a rigid outer layer of the cell;

it�s like a wall that keeps the parts of the cell together. Just inside the cell wall is

the cell membrane that controls what materials enter or exit the cell. For

example, plant cells take in water and excrete (send out) waste products.

There are many structures inside the cell and these have scientific names.

Each of these cell components has a specialized function. The nucleus of the

plant stores its genetic material, the DNA, and also controls cell growth. Vacuoles

are like mini-cells inside a plant cell because a vacuole is also surrounded by a

membrane. A vacuole is like a storage tank for the cell, storing extra water and

nutrients until they are needed by the cell. Vacuoles are large parts of a cell,

taking up a lot of space.

While vacuoles store extra water and nutrients for later use, the cell�s

cytoplasm distributes water and nutrients throughout the cell for immediate use.

Cytoplasm fills the entire cell, anywhere that is not occupied by another cell


An important part of a plant cell is its chloroplasts. Remember that

chlorophyll is critical to photosynthesis, the process responsible for creating food

for the plant. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll which is involved in making the

plant�s sugars and starches.

Plant cells contain many other components each with a specialized

function for controlling plant chemistry. This lesson only covers the sum of a

plant�s main cellular structures.


1. Nucleolus 6. Vacuole

2. Nucleus 7. Rough ER

3. Smooth ER 8. Mitochondrion

4. Chloroplast 9. Golgi Bodies

5. Ribosomes











Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______

Multiple Choice Questions

Circle the correct answer.

1. An example of a one-celled living organism is

a. Bacteria b. Insects c. Amphibians d. None of the above

2. Which of the following statements are true?

a. All plant cells are different from animal cells. b. All animal cells are different from plant cells. c. Animal cells do not have a cell wall. d. All of the above

3. What structure controls the movement of water and waste material into and out of a plant cell?

a. Cell wall b. Cell membrane c. Chloroplast d. Vacuole

4. What plant structure acts as a storage tank for water and nutrients?

a. Chloroplast b. Nucleus c. Vacuole d. Cytoplasm

5. The cell component most involved with photosynthesis is

a. Cytoplasm b. Chloroplasts c. Vacuoles d. All of the above

6. Chloroplasts are involved with making the plant�s

a. Sugars b. Proteins c. Fats d. All of the above


Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the function of the nucleus of a plant cell?

2. What is the difference between the cell wall and the cell membrane of plant cells?

3. What color are chloroplasts? Explain your answer.

4. What is the function of centrioles in a plant cell?

5. Explain the purpose of vacuoles in a plant cell. Do human cells have vacuoles?

6. Do some research and explain the function of Golgi bodies in plant cells.

7. Biochemistry is the study of the chemistry of living things. Biochemistry analyzes the chemistry of cells. Would you like to be a biochemist? Explain why or why not.


Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. a. 2. d. 3. b. 4. c. 5. b. 6. a.

Short Answer

1. The nucleus of the plant stores its genetic material, the DNA, and also controls cell growth.

2. The cell wall of plants is a rigid outer layer of the cell; it�s like a wall that keeps the parts of the cell together. Just inside the cell wall is the cell membrane that controls what materials enter or exit the cell.

3. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll which is green, so chloroplasts are green.

4. None. Centrioles exist only in animal cells.

5. Vacuoles are like mini-cells inside a plant cell because a vacuole is also surrounded by a membrane. A vacuole is like a storage tank for the cell, storing extra water and nutrients until they are needed by the cell. Vacuoles are large parts of a cell, taking up a lot of space. Vacuoles only exist in plant cells, not animal (human) cells.

6. Individual response

7. Individual response


Plant Pollinators

Flowering plants reproduce sexually

which means they have a male part

called the stamen and a female part

called the pistil. Stamens produce pollen

and before the plant will produce any seeds

some of this pollen must reach the pistil. Pollen is a

sticky powdery substance that is usually yellow in color. The process of

the pollen moving from the stamen to the pistil is called pollination. Plants

that produce fruit, such as apple trees and blueberry bushes, develop fruit

only from those flowers that have been pollinated. In the spring an apple

tree can be covered with thousands of flowers but only a portion of them

will develop into apples, only the blossoms that were pollinated.

When pollen travels from the stamen to the pistil of the same plant,

it is called self-pollination. When pollen is moved from the stamen of one

plant to the pistil of another plant of the same species, this is called cross-

pollination. Cross-pollination creates stronger plants because the seeds

that are produced have genetic material (DNA) from two plants. Pollen can

only pollinate plants of the same species.

The wind is the easiest pollinator of all. A strong wind shakes the

pollen loose from the stamen and carries it to the pistil of the same or a

different flower. Many plants rely on the wind as their major pollinator.

These plants have long stamens and pistils so they can easily be

pollinated by the wind. These plants often have dull colors and little scent

because they don�t need to attract insects, birds or animals to be their


Brightly colored plants usually provide sweet nectar as food for

insects and this nectar is produced deep inside the plant flower near the

bottom of the petals. Since the stamen and pistil are located inside a

flower, insects that feed on nectar brush against these structures on their


way to the nectar. Since pollen is sticky it can attach to the insect�s body

when it brushes against a stamen. The insect, usually a species of bee,

then carries the pollen to another plant where it can brush up against a

pistil and transfer pollen.

The main insect pollinators are bees, wasps, butterflies, ants and

moths. Hummingbirds are good pollinators and some mammals such as

bats will pollinate certain plants.


Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______

Multiple Choice Questions

Circle the correct answer.

1. What part of a plant produces pollen?

a. Leaves b. Flower petals c. Stamen d. Pistil

2. Pollen is

a. Sticky b. Powdery c. Frequently yellow in color d. All of the above

3. Cross-pollination means

a. Pollen moved from one plant to another b. Pollen stayed within a single plant c. The pollen was moved by a bee d. The pollen was moved by the wind

4. Plants that rely on the wind for pollination

a. Have short stamens b. Have long stamens c. Have short pistils d. Have brightly colored flowers

5. Plants attract insect pollinators through

a. Sweet nectar in flowers b. Sweet-smelling fruit c. Both a. and b. above d. None of the above

6. Which of the following is a good pollinator?

a. Raccoon b. Squirrel c. Robin d. Hummingbird


Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________

Short Answer Questions

1. Name four things necessary for pollination.

2. Describe pollen.

3. Often part of a springtime weather report is the pollen count for people who have allergies. Explain what the pollen count is.

4. There aren�t many insect pollinators in the desert due to the dry conditions.

5. About 20% of plants rely on the wind as their pollinator and 80% of plants rely on insects or other living pollinators. What kind of graph or chart is best for showing this type of information?

6. The saguaro cactus of the southwestern desert of the United States is pollinated primarily by nectar-feeding bats. Do some research and write a short report about this cactus.

7. Fruit trees produce fruit only on blossoms that were pollinated. Fruit growers will hire beekeepers to bring a hive of bees to the orchard to pollinate more blossoms than would be pollinated by local insects. Do some research into the beekeeping profession and write a short report about being a beekeeper.


Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. c. 2. d. 3. a. 4. b. 5. a. 6. d.

Short Answer

1. Four things needed for pollination are: stamen, pistil, pollen and pollinator.

2. Pollen is a sticky powdery substance that is usually yellow in color.

3. The pollen count is a measure of how much pollen is floating in the air.

4. Many seeds require warmth and the right temperature before they begin to grow. That�s why so many plants begin to grow in the warmth of spring.

5. A pie chart is preferred because the data adds up to 100%.

6. Individual response

7. Individual response


Plants and Oxygen

Animals, including humans, require a constant

supply of oxygen for breathing. Without sufficient oxygen

an animal suffocates and dies. Even fish take in oxygen from

water when they breathe using gills instead of lungs. When

animals breathe in oxygen they breathe out carbon dioxide and

water vapor. Meanwhile, plants require carbon dioxide in order to make

their own food through a process known as photosynthesis. During

photosynthesis, a plant takes in carbon dioxide from the air, processes it

to create food, and then releases oxygen.

Exactly how does this process of converting carbon dioxide to

oxygen work? First of all it is a chemical process that occurs inside the

plant. Carbon dioxide is composed of one atom of carbon and two atoms

of oxygen. This is written as the chemical CO2 and the chemical formula

for the form of oxygen animals need for breathing is O2. So during

photosynthesis the plant separates the carbon atom from carbon dioxide,

using the carbon to create food in the form of sugars, and returns some

the oxygen to the atmosphere.

Animals eat plants along with the food energy plants contain. The

sugars that plants create are food for themselves and animals. These

sugars contain carbon atoms and enter animal bodies when the plants are

eaten. Some of these carbon atoms attach to oxygen molecules during


breathing and carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere for

plants to use.

Plants and animals are constantly exchanging carbon dioxide and

oxygen. It takes about 300 to 400 plants to convert enough carbon

dioxide to oxygen to keep one adult human alive. Trees convert huge

amounts of carbon dioxide to oxygen every day. It�s important to maintain

trees in urban areas and also have large areas of forest to keep the earth

in balance with respect to carbon dioxide and oxygen.

The green chlorophyll in plants, along with sunlight, carbon dioxide,

and water, are the important components of photosynthesis. During

photosynthesis plants create complex sugar molecules that are stored in

the plant at the same time as oxygen is released into the atmosphere.


Carbon Dioxide � Oxygen Cycle


Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______

Multiple Choice Questions

Circle the correct answer.

1. Without enough oxygen an animal

a. Starves b. Suffocates c. Strangles d. None of the above

2. When animals breathe in oxygen they breathe out

a. Carbon monoxide b. Carbon dioxide c. Chlorophyll d. None of the above

3. The chemical formula for oxygen used by animals is

a. O b. O2c. CO2d. None of the above

4. During photosynthesis plants use carbon to create

a. Sugars b. Carbon dioxide c. Both a. and b. above d. None of the above

5. Trees are important to the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen because

a. They provide shade b. They drop leaves that improve the soil c. They engage in photosynthesis d. All of the above

6. Chlorophyll is a part of

a. Sunlight b. Water c. Soil d. Green plants


Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________

Short Answer Questions

1. Explain what happens with oxygen and carbon dioxide when an animal breathes.

2. Explain what happens with oxygen and carbon dioxide during photosynthesis.

3. Scientists are concerned about having too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide emissions from cars. Explain one reason why you think they are concerned.

4. What is a chemical formula? If you don�t know the answer, look it up.

5. Why are forests important to a healthy environment?

6. Do some research and explain what chlorophyll is and why it is importnat in photosynthesis.

7. High fructose corn syrup is a sweetener that�s used in many foods processed foods that Americans buy every day. Fructose is a form of sugar found in corn and other plants. List as many items as you can that you eat every day that contain some kind of corn syrup.


Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. b. 2. b. 3. b. 4. a. 5. c. 6. d.

Short Answer

1. Animals breathe in air which contains oxygen and breathe out air that contains carbon dioxide.

2. During photosynthesis plants take in carbon dioxide and split it apart chemically into carbon and oxygen molecules. Plants then release oxygen into the atmosphere.

3. Individual response

4. Individual response

5. Individual response

6. Individual response

7. Individual response


Plant Adaptation

The natural world is a fascinating place.

There are hundreds of thousands of unique

plant and animal species that have adapted

to living in every type of biome and niche in

the world. Let�s look at some specialized

plants that have adapted to extreme

conditions somewhere on earth.

Most plants need soil nutrients, sunlight and moisture in

order to survive yet many plants have adapted to living in the

dry and often extremely hot desert biome. The best known

desert plants are the many species of cactus. Nearly all cactus

plants live only in desert areas of North, Central and South

America. Cactus plants survive on little rainfall by having a

thick leathery skin, spines or spikes instead of leaves, and a

hollow core for storing moisture. Besides conserving moisture,

spines discourage animals from eating cactus plants for the

water they contain. Cactus flowers bloom when there is

moisture in the spring.

Other plants are adapted to living in the hot and rainy

tropical rainforest. With so much rainfall most soil nutrients

wash away so tropical plants have adapted to living in poor soil.

Most tropical plants have sturdy waxy leaves that are

unaffected by the huge amounts of rainfall. The tropical

rainforest has dense growth with plants filling just about all the


available space. Trees that form the top layer, the canopy,

grow extremely tall and survive the hot sunlight for about 12

hours per day. At the opposite end, plants on the rainforest

floor must survive dense shade. Rainforest plants show all

kinds of adaptations to their biome.

Specialized plants are adapted to the harsh conditions of

the arctic tundra. Plants of the tundra grow close to the ground,

away from the constant wind that blows in the arctic. Tundra

plants are usually 12 inches or less in height and grow in

clumps (several plants close together) for extra protection from

wind and cold. Artic plants are dark green or red-green because

dark colors absorb more heat from the sun.

There are even a few hardy plants that grow in the

warmest area of Antarctica, the coldest continent on earth.

Only a small part of the Antarctic Peninsula thaws during the

brief summer and a few species of mosses and two species of

flowering plants come to life.


Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______

Multiple Choice Questions

Circle the correct answer.

1. What do most plants need in order to survive?

a. Soil b. Water c. Sunlight d. All of the above

2. Cactus plants grow on which one of these continents?

a. Asia b. Europe c. North America d. Australia

3. Cactus plants are adapted to life in the desert because they

a. Are low-growing b. Have spikes or spines instead of leaves c. Have dense growth d. Have waxy leaves

4. Rainforest plants usually

a. Grow tall b. Have waxy leaves c. Grow in clumps d. Have leathery skin

5. Artic plants

a. Are low-growing b. Grow tall c. Have waxy leaves d. Have spikes or spines instead of leaves

6. The main type of plants that grow in Antarctica is

a. Cactus b. Trees c. Shrubs d. Mosses


Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________

Short Answer Questions

1. Do some research and locate pictures of different species of cactus. Create a PowerPoint presentation of cactus plants. Be sure to include varieties of cactus that grow in Central and South America as well as North America.

2. Describe the features of cactus plants that allow them to live in a desert biome.

3. Antarctica is a desert biome. Explain why there aren�t any cactus plants in Antarctica.

4. Do some research and create a diagram of the layers of vegetation in a tropical rainforest.

5. Lichens are adapted to life all across North America from warm areas to the arctic tundra. Do some research and explain why lichens are not plants.

6. Do some research and write a short report about mosses and the biomes where they grow.

7. Explain what it means when we say a plant grows in clumps.


Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. d. 2. c. 3. b. 4. b. 5. a. 6. d.

Short Answer

1. Individual response

2. Cactus plants survive on little rainfall by having a thick leathery skin, spines or spikes instead of leaves, and a hollow core for storing moisture. Besides conserving moisture, spines discourage animals from eating plants for water.

3. Individual response

4. Individual response

5. Individual response

6. Individual response

7. A plant grows in clumps when several plants naturally grow close together as a means of survival.


Creating Your Own Garden

Lots of people enjoy

gardening as a hobby and keep a

garden of their own.

Homeowners like to have some

attractive flowers to improve the

look of their property. A

vegetable garden provides fresh

produce like green beans, peppers and tomatoes instead of

buying them from a store.

One of the first steps in creating a garden is to decide

what to plant there. Some plants are annuals that grow from

seed each year. Annuals don�t survive over the winter and their

seeds must be replanted each year. Most garden vegetables are

annuals. Other plants are perennials which means they keep

coming back each spring without being replanted. Many

landscaping flowers are perennials.

Another important consideration in gardening is where to

put the garden spot. Remember that most plants, especially

flowers and vegetables, need sunshine and moisture. So a

garden is located in a sunny spot away from trees. Trees not

only create shade but they consume lots of the moisture from

the soil. If a gardener is doing home landscaping though, there

are many perennial plants that prefer to grow in the shade

under a tree.


In order to have a successful garden the soil needs to be

properly prepared. Anything already growing in the garden spot

needs to be removed and then the soil is turned over with a

shovel. Remember that plants have roots and the roots grow

better when the soil around them is soft. Digging up the soil

until it�s soft is an important part of preparing a garden.

Gardeners often need to add composted materials to soften the

soil before planting seeds.

Gardeners can grow plants from seed or buy seedlings or

plants in pots. These are removed from their plastic pots and

planted in the soil. People who live in condos and apartments

where there isn�t a yard can grow their own flowers, vegetables

and herbs in containers kept indoors or out on a patio or


Moisture is important for plants. If there isn�t enough rain

gardeners water the garden by hand with a sprinkling can or

with a hose. It�s important to keep weeds away from garden

plants. Weeds can choke out garden plants or at least take

nutrients needed for the garden. While it sounds like a lot of

work, having a small garden can be lots of fun and the flowers

and veggies are a good reward.


Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______

Multiple Choice Questions

Circle the correct answer.

1. Plants that must be replanted each year from seed are called

a. Annual b. Perennial c. Biennial d. Centennial

2. Plants that regrow every spring without being replanted are called

a. Annual b. Perennial c. Biennial d. Centennial

3. The best place for a vegetable garden is

a. Under a tree b. In a sunny spot c. Next to the house d. Next to a bush

4. Garden soil

a. Needs to be dug up b. Soft c. Sometimes needs added compost d. All of the above

5. Potted plants can be

a. Removed from the pots and planted in the garden b. Grown in the pot c. Both a. and b. above d. None of the above

6. It�s important to keep weeds away from garden plants because

a. Weeds can choke out garden plants b. Take nutrients from garden plants c. Both a. and b. above d. None of the above


Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________

Short Answer Questions

1. Locate pictures of 15 different vegetables and create a poster of these pictures. Identify each vegetable and list why it is healthy to humans.

2. Locate pictures of 10 annual flowers and 10 perennial flowers. Create a poster of these pictures and identify the name and type (annual or perennial) of each flower.

3. Create a flowchart for the steps involved in gardening.

4. Do some research and write a short report about what compost is.

5. Explain how to properly prepare soil before planting a garden.

6. Do some research and write a short report that explains what a community garden is.

7. Describe ways in which people who live in aprtments or condos cans still have a gardening experience.


Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. a. 2. b. 3. b. 4. d. 5. c. 6. c.

Short Answer

1. Individual response

2. Individual response

3. Individual response

4. Individual response

5. In order to have a successful garden the soil needs to be properly prepared. Anything already growing in the garden spot needs to be removed and then the soil is turned over with a shovel. Remember that plants have roots and the roots grow better when the soil around them soft. Digging up the soil until its soft is an important part of preparing a garden. Gardeners often need to add composted materials to soften the soil before planting seeds.

6. Individual response

7. Individual response
