All aboard! Finding passengers for your study support train


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All aboard!Finding passengers for your study support train

It’s no secret that while it’s an exciting experience, university study can also be a challenging journey.

As a First in Family student, not only are you learning the skills needed for university study, you’re also learning what it means to be a student, how uni works and how study fits within your life.

At times, that might feel like a lot to process on your own…

While there’s nothing wrong with having your own back (we know you can do it!), it’s important to understand you can also find support in other places and fill up your own study support train of ‘passengers’ to share your uni experience with.

There’s power in having the right support crew around you, having people who can be there when you get your grades and provide the reassurance you need if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Not only can finding passengers for your study support train help you through the academic side of study, research shows that students who find a support network are more likely to succeed in their studies and enjoy their uni experience than those who don’t*.

A study support train can add a lot of value to your time at uni!

*Wilcox, P 2005, ‘‘It was nothing to do with the university, it was just the people’: the role of social support in the first‐year experience of higher education’, Studies in Higher Education, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 707-722. Available from: 10.1080/03075070500340036. [23 March 2016].

So, where can you find passengers for your study support train?

U S QIt’s normal to feel nervous about putting yourself out there at uni, but with 60% of USQ students* being the first in their families to attend university, chances are there are other passengers nearby looking for a train ticket too.

*Higher Education Information Management Systems (HEIMS) data, Department of Education and Training, 2015


If you’re an on-campus student, make an effort to stay consistent with your attendance at lectures and tutorials. It won’t take long for the faces around you to become familiar. Studying in the library or in a common area of the campus is also a great way to bump into classmates and a good opportunity to suggest a post-study catch-up.

If you’re an on-campus student, make an effort to stay consistent with your attendance of lectures and tutorials. It won’t take long for the faces around you to become familiar. Studying in the library or in a common area of the campus is also a great way to bump into classmates and a good opportunity to suggest a post-study catch-up.

If you’re an online student, your course forums and USQ’s social media channels are a great way to connect with fellow students. Why not join USQ’s Online Peer Support Crew?

If you’re an on-campus student, make an effort to stay consistent with your attendance of lectures and tutorials. It won’t take long for the faces around you to become familiar. Studying in the library or in a common area of the campus is also a great way to bump into classmates and a good opportunity to suggest a post-study catch-up.

If you’re an online student, your course forums and USQ’s social media channels are a great way to connect with fellow students. Why not join USQ’s Online Peer Support Crew?

You could even ask your lecturers if they know of any second or third year students who might be a good mentor. Don’t forget, there are Meet-Up leaders available to help you out with your study as well!

You don’t have to be a solo passenger on this train.

Y o u r w o r k p l a c eWorkmates and senior staff members often make great mentors and could be an excellent source of support, guidance and motivation as you get used to uni life.


Whether it’s your desk mate, supervisor, supplier or a senior executive, there’s likely to be at least one other person in your workplace who has been to university or is currently studying.

Even if you’re not studying the same program, many students face the same challenges and you’ll probably find you have more in common than you think. Chances are, you’re headed for the same final destination, so make sure you get these colleagues on board!

How quickly are your seats filling up?

Y o u r e x i s t i n g n e t w o r k sWhether you’re a socialite, social hermit or somewhere in between, if you really think about it you’ll probably be surprised by just how many people you know who you can invite to board your study support train. Seeing as it’s often easier to make use of an existing network than it is to create a new one, why not reach out and see what support is available from the people you already know outside of uni and work?


Sporting teams, gym classes, local clubs and old high school classmates are just some of the places you might find more passengers for your study support train. If you’re a parent, the activities your kids are involved with can also be a great way to meet other studying mums and dads.

Pop a post on Facebook. You might find that some people you haven’t seen in a while have started studying too.

Even if the other people in these groups haven’t studied themselves, they might be able to put you in touch with a friend of a friend who has, or is currently hitting the books just like you.

Now that you’ve filled your study support train, you’re ready to hit the tracks for the final destination....

M o t i vat i o n S tat i o nWherever you find them, the people you choose as passengers of your study support train should be those who can encourage, motivate and support you to do well in your studies and persevere through any challenges you might encounter along the way. If those people aren’t your friends or family, you can still make stops at USQ, your workplace and your existing networks.


If you find you need further support, the team at Student Services are ready to help. All you need to do is get in touch.

Remember, filling up your study support train can add value to your time at university. You don’t have to travel through this experience alone! Check out the first in family page on Social Hub to hear from other first in family students.

CRICOS: QLD00244B NSW02225M TEQSA: PRV12081 31.3.15 10.2016 Graphics © Shutterstock First in Family Project (Phase 2) is funded through the Commonwealth Government’s Higher Education Participation Program (HEPP) in 2016, to improve the access, participation and success of students from communities under-represented in higher education.
