Aids for teaching Mathematics



Training Day - September 2014

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Purpose of study Mathematics is a creative and highly

interconnected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems.

It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment.

A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.

The Aims of The New Curriculum

The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure all pupils: become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so that they are efficient in using and selecting the appropriate written algorithms and mental methods, underpinned by mathematical conceptscan solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including in unfamiliar contexts and to model real-life scenarios can reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and develop and present a justification, argument or proof using mathematical language.

Increased focus on arithmetic proficiency

Instant recall of number facts Higher expectations in Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

Less emphasis on data handling

Data Handling will now be called Statistics

Shape and Space now comes under the Geometry umbrella

P. 3: A breakdown of the teaching and learning policy for maths.

P. 4: Aims of the policy to make your lives easier and to ensure we are all working from the same information and in the same format.

P. 5: Aims and approaches. P. 6: The organisation of maths.

P. 7: Curriculum maps. P. 8: Medium and short term

planning. P. 9: EYFS P. 10: Tests. Ps. 11-12: CPA approach to

maths. Ps. 13-14: Problem solving


From now on, the methods outlined in the handbook are the methods to be delivered in classrooms.

From diagnostic assessments, ascertain what stage of learning your children are at and move on to the next appropriate method when you feel the children are able to access it.

The aim of the curriculum map is to break down the objectives needed to be covered in your year group into half termly expectations.

The objectives have been taken from the programmes of study that you were shown in November.

It is important that, depending upon which maths group you will be teaching, you look at the curriculum map for your current year group and also that of the year group above or below your own.

The point of the MTPs is to give you a starting point for your planning.

It is important to remember that the MTPs are to be used as a tool, not as a syllabus. They serve as an idea bank to be used in conjunction with the curriculum map but that does not mean that they should be stuck to rigidly.

You may have ideas and activities from previous teaching and learning experiences. Do not be afraid to use them!

The short term planning format is predominantly the same as before.

The information at the top should be as before, with the names of your children listed alongside the level in which they are currently working.

Colour coding has now changed to the traffic light system, with higher achievers being green, middle attainers being yellow and children at the lower end of your group being red.

Depending upon the topic being taught, there may be some movement in the yellow group activities.

Due to Big Write being re-introduced to LKS2, you may wish to list your lessons as sessions rather than as days.

In KS2, there is to be a Tables starter as well as a mental oral starter. This should be a short activity that focuses on the children learning their tables and developing rapid recall.

The Tables starter will move on to becoming the Rainbow Challenge starter which was trialled in some classes last year but the system is currently being adapted to sit more in line with the new curriculum.