


Adyn's Autobiography

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I was born on the 28th of July 2003.

The reason my middle name is Julie is

because my mums middle name is Julie.

• In my family I have Mum, Dad, Paige and me!

I have Nana , Papa, Gran and Pops.

• I liked playing in the sandpit, getting dirty and doing finger painting.

• I learned to read. My teacher was Mrs. Kokich. I was good at maths.

• My favourite family tradition is that every year we go to Nanas house for dinner. We go with my cousins and give presents at Christmas time.

• I have a tooth case that my Nana gave to me. I like it because it has a tooth fairy sitting down. The fairy is holding a wand and it has a bucket that you put your tooth in.

• I like going on the sea biscuit , swimming, skiing and biking. I would like to be a pharmacist because my mum is one and gives sick people medicine .

• I can make a difference by helping other people get medicine and stay healthy and safe.