Adapting and Scaffolding Texts for Younger Students


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Inspiring Change

Sharing Stories

Inspiring Change

Who is this person?

What did this person do?

Why did they do it?

Who am I?

What do I do / What do I want to do?

Why do I do it?

You Cannot Be What You Cannot See

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Inspiring Change

Jonah Hassenfeld

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How can I scaffold my students’

reading of primary sources (or


Is there an “ethical” problem with

modifying a text?

Essential Questions

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Teaching with Primary Sources

What are the benefits of

teaching primary sources?

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Inspiring Change

Teaching with primary sources

What are the benefits of

teaching primary sources?

• Brings past to life

• Provides insight into experiences of


• Gaps that foster authentic questions

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Teaching with primary sources

What’s hard about teaching

primary sources?

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Inspiring Change

Ray Frank’s SermonNow is a most excellent time for you to consider the question. It is the time for you to decide whether you will effect a

permanent organization or whether you will continue to go on and hold only one or two services a year. There are here, I

know, certain disagreements as to the form of worship, whether we should cling to the old orthodox style or take up the

reform that has gradually been instituted in the Jewish church. This is a progressive age, and some of the customs of

two or three thousand years ago will not do for to-day, and at the same time many customs which were good then are

just as good now, and can be just as appropriately used. It would be well for you to throw aside all little disagreements

and unite in the one cause—that of upholding the creed of our religion…

Whatever you do for religion, or whatever you give, must be voluntary and sincere. Coming here because your neighbor

does is not religion; neither is it religion to give a certain amount because some one else has done the same. True

religion is true repentance for our many sins and mistakes.

…You have always said that in union there is strength, therefore it is necessary that you should unite, giving help to each

other through the creed you all believe in. Drop all dissension about whether you should take off your hats during the

service and other unimportant ceremonials, and join hands in one glorious cause. We are all Israelites, and anxious to

help one another. Look up to our creed and live up to it. It is not necessary to build a magnificent synagogue at once;

that can be done in time. The grandest temples we have ever had or the world has ever known were those which had

the blue sky for a roof, and the grandest psalms ever sung were those rendered under the blue vaults of heaven…

Form yourselves into a permanent congregation as soon as possible, and organize a Sabbath school. Unless one is

established soon your children will grow up without any creed at all. One must believe in something, and one must have

faith in something or become a menace to society. Keep one day holy, and teach your children to do the same. It isn’t

good for you to do as you are doing. We are no longer a nation of people, although we are often spoken of as such. We

have no ruler, but are simply citizens of the country we live in. We are loyal to the civil rule that governs us, and we

should be loyal to the religious rule that we all bow to.

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Inspiring Change


All teachers must teach reading.

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Inspiring Change


What is the purpose of a scaffold?

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Inspiring Change


Lev Vygotsky


• Interiorization of

interpsychic processes

• Zone of proximal


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The ways we think begin as conversations we have.

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Zone of Proximal Development

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Inspiring Change

Adapting documents

Document Scaffolds:

• Focusing: 200 words

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Inspiring Change

Adapting documents

Document Scaffolds:

• Focusing: 200 words

• Simplifying:

- Modifying language and syntax

- Word banks

Sharing Stories

Inspiring Change

Adapting documents

Document Scaffolds:

• Focusing: 200 words

• Simplifying:

- Modifying language and syntax

- Word banks

• Presentation: 16pt ft, 1 document/pg

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Inspiring Change

Adapting documents

Document Scaffolds:

• Focusing: 200 words

• Simplifying:

- Modifying language and syntax

- Word banks

• Presentation: 16pt ft, 1 document/pg

• Header

Sharing Stories

Inspiring Change

Adapting documents

Adapting Ray Frank’s sermon:

- Start from a central question

- Cut to 200 words

- Define 3 hardest words in a word


- Write a brief header for the


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• What central question could you


• What kind of background info would

go in the header?

• Modify one sentence from the


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Wrap up

Will this approach work for your students?

What challenges do you foresee?

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Natalia Twersky Educator Award

Honoring educators who share JWA’s commitment to

using primary sources to weave Jewish women’s

stories into their lessons and programs.

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Who is eligible? What are the prizes?

• Any Jewish educator working with students in grades


• Two cash prizes

• Winner receives $2,000 + $400 for their school/program

• Finalist receives $500 + $100 for their school/program

• Submission Deadline: June 1, 2015

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Adele Gilman and Jackie Zidar—Studying the congregation’s Confirmation Photos

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Submission requirements

• Statement of purpose

• Lesson plan

• Classroom product (handout, assignment, etc.)

• Two examples of student work

• Two letters of support (from supervisor,

colleague, student, parent, etc.)

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Inspiring Change


Thursday, April 30 @ 1pm

With Twersky Award Finalist Rabbi Michael Rothbaum
