Actors, costumes and props


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Protagonist (Nerd/Jake): Jake Barnes. I chose Jake to act as my lead male character because I used him as my protagonist in my AS-level 2-minute film, 'Mobster from Manhattan' and he did not fail to impress me. Having performed the lead in various school productions and concerts, his acting ability is outstanding and his characterisation truly helps to bring my characters to life. I and other students alike are always impressed with his talent at immersing himself into the character in question. Therefore, he can adopt different personalities, such as the

‘nerd’ and the ‘cool’ phases of my character.

Lead girl (Sophie): Sophie Carey. Like Jake, Sophie has acquired a lot of acting experience throughout the years, also being the lead role in school productions and a lead singer in numerous school concerts, thus giving her great confident when performing in front of an audience/camera. Her acting ability is of a high quality and she has a thoroughly radiant screen presence.

Cheating girl (Katy): Katy Barrett. Katy is, by nature, highly reliable to work with as she always appears on set on-time and is a very

reliable actress. Amongst looking right for the part, Katy is versatile in her characterisation which means she never fails to deliver.

Bully 1: Gideon Lax. Gideon has a strong physical presence, making him appropriate for portraying a rough, stereotypical ‘school bully’. Furthermore, though he is a non-scripted role in my music video, his personality off-screen endured my to cast him as he is confident and able to communicate himself well; this therefore will come across on-screen.

Bully 2: Dexter Gibson. Dexter has had numerous acting experiences in school – also being the lead role in the production and carol concert. Similar to Gideon, he has confidence in his abilities and ensures his presence on and off camera is noticed.

Students in corridor/laughing and pointing at protagonist: Faegan White, Bella Rix and Mabel Collins. All 3 of these people have acted previously, with Bella and Mabel being lead roles in a large number of productions and concerts. Because of their years of experience and talent within the subject, I really had no hesitation when casting them because I knew

they would be reliable and deliver a good performance, characterising themselves as to how I wanted.  


The costume choice for any music video is essential because it enables the filmmaker to convey a specific meaning to the audience. Moreover, the costume is effectively a window into the characters’ personality which therefore reveals the motivations for their actions.

1. Nerd: • Pink t-shirt with white strips. This conveys his uniqueness and how he is slightly out of sync with the general trends of his fellow students. I chose for it to be tucked it to his trousers to represent his reserved nature and his inability to be relaxed and ‘cool’ when in the presence of other students, especially those he likes. • Dark trousers with grey Converse trainers. I made this costume decision to convey the subtle hint that he will soon adopt two different personalities, one that conforms to his unimpressive and quirky nerd lifestyle, and the other to underline the darker aspect of his character. ‘Cool’ stage: • Grey suit. A stark contrast to the nerd’s unpopular and safe clothing – I wanted him to wear a suit immediately after winning the Lottery to convey this difference in not just his clothing, but the way he acts in the suit. • Brown Shoes complete the formal look and the colour brown complements the grey suit very nicely, unlike his grey trainers with his pink top during his nerd stage. • Swimming trunks and no shirt. Though the trunks are not too visible, the audience can clearly tell the nerd has reached a point in the video in which he feels comfortable in ‘loosing up’ and letting go what others think of him. This is supported by the fact that he has taken his shirt off, obviously conventional for when going swimming however the nerd may not have previously used a lilo, being shy and unadventurous.• Smart/casual blue shirt. For the speed boat scene, and his general ‘cool’ look, I wanted the nerd to stay casual but also retain a semi-formal look. Therefore, to convey this, and because it was a warm day in August, I told him to wear a sky-blue shirt to represent his ‘cool’ stage.

2. Sophie: • Leather Jacket. This demonstrates how she is much more ‘cool’ than the nerd and a stark contrast is made between Sophie and the nerd’s adventurousness in their costume choice. Leather also symbolises what a traditional rouge or perhaps a rebel would wear, representing the fact that she is romantically unreachable to the nerd. • Scarf. This underlines Sophie’s good sense if fashion and trends and creates the image that she is desirable.

3. Bully 1: • Grey top (and jeans). The lack of colour denotes the bully’s lack of style, yet it is not unfashionable. He does not need to make a statement, but he remains in a neutral fashion, boldly dominant over the nerd.

4. Bully 2: • Green Hollister top (and jeans). Hollister is a popular brand, which therefore makes him popular (or he at least is trying to be popular). The colour green is almost a sickly colour and I wanted this to represent him almost as a monster in the nerd’s eyes.

5. Extras (laughing and pointing in background): They wear typical student attire – tops and jeans – to represent the general trends of most students, also holding folders to convey the school scene.

6. Katy: • White top with black stripes (and jeans). Like Sophie, Katy’s character is also to have a good taste in fashion. To convey this, and using my knowledge that a white top with black horizontal stripes is on-trend at the moment, I have made Katy comply with modern trends.


3 books: 'Macbeth', 'Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' and 'The Great Gatsby'. I wanted the nerd to carry these during the school scene at the start of my video. This is not only because they represent his 'nerd'-like persona and intellect to the audience, but also they all symbolize greed and power in one way or another, and how it can be misused, therefore foreshadowing to the audience what will happen to the nerd. For example, Macbeth greedily will do, under the influence of his wife, whatever he can to become king, just like the nerd during his sudden accumulation of wealth. Also, Gatsby uses his power to get the girl of his dreams, Daisy, just like the nerd does with Sophie. Furthermore, he relates to Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde because he completely shifts his role and position by becoming a completely different person, much like Dr Jekyll, and it happened almost momentarily.

Glasses: I decided to have the nerd wearing glasses as it conveys the stereotypical, constructed identity of a 'nerd' to the audience and it makes his position bring sympathy to the audience - soon to be shattered by his juxtaposing actions upon winning the Lottery. During the school scene, they become a key focus point in conveying his tragic situation - coupled with the blurred camera I use the glasses to show the audience what it is truly like to be him and to be laughed at, therefore by bringing up the lens to the camera in a POV shot I am giving the audience a new perspective of his situation.

Newspaper – This represents the typical-ness of the nerd’s life and the sense of routine that he is in. Going to the shop to buy a paper will soon be a stark contrast to what he will do.

Lotto cheque – The fact that he begins to manhandle it roughly conveys the first sign of his aggressiveness towards power.

Glass of champagne – The fact that he swigs it down in one and chucks the empty glass behind him represents his first sign of, not just aggressiveness, but also greed – foreshadowing later events. He will dispose of anything he does not need anymore (like his cheating on Sophie)

Watch – The fact that the nerd parades his nice watch around demonstrates his desire to be perceived as a powerful, wealthy figure.

Sunglasses – These make a stark contrast to his normal glasses and highlight his effort to look cool.

Audi A6 – He now has won a lot of money, so I wanted him to spend it on a new, expensive and ultimately masculine car the underline his power.

Silver tray with olive dropped into a glass of champagne – This represents his extravagance after he wins the Lottery.

Lilo – Loosening up, the lilo conveys the sense that the nerd is relaxed with his life – in fact he is care-free, and he does not need to worry about bullies anymore.

Rib (speed boat) – This demonstrates the nerd’s new sense of power and suggests how he is almost accelerating out of control.