Activity 17 pigmalion_efect_gomez_yasherth


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Students:Néstor Yasherth Gómez Armenta

Vania Elizabeth Rodríguez Espinoza


Origin • Pygmalion is the name of a mythological character, whose origins can be traced back to Ancient Greece. According to myth, it was a monarch who, unable to find the ideal woman for marriage, chose to build sculptures that would enable it to meet the feminine presence as life partner.


• The Pygmalion effect: it is an event that describes as the belief that a person has on another can influence the performance of the latter. There is a direct relationship between the expectations that there are about a subject and the resulting performance on this.

ScopesAspects of the Pygmalion effect:

• Social• Educational

• Labor

Social Scope• A process in which the trust that others have in us can contribute in a positive way in order to achieve the objectives more difficult; a principle of action from someone else's expectations, or as they don't like to say more to the "technical" of a figuratively: "Is the fact that how the expectations that we have on the people, things and situations tend to be done".

Labor Scope

• In the corporate world, the Pygmalion effect comes to mean that every chief has an image formed of its collaborators and treated according to her; but the most important thing is that this image is perceived by the collaborator although the head does not know. Anyone can experience it in the work: if your boss expects the best in you and you do know, is very likely that you can exhibit a high level of performance.

Educational Scope• In 1968, psychologists Rosenthal and Jacobson conducted a study to investigate this issue in the field of education, whose results were collected in the labor Pygmalion in the classroom (Pygmalion in the classroom).• In the experiment was reported to a group of primary school teachers that their students had made a test in order to assess their intellectual capacities. And they were told students they would fetch a better performance throughout the course, since they had obtained the best results in the test. What is surprising is that this test was never performed, and the supposedly bright students had in fact been chosen at random.• What happened? That the teachers were created expectations so high with these students of high capacities who worked on these were fulfilled, devoting a individualized effort with these students. And indeed they were successful.

Pygmalion Effect Types• Positive• Negative

Positive Pygmalion Effect• Refers to one that produces a positive effect on the subject, in such a way that reinforces the point on which the effect occurs, leading to an increase in esteem in the subject and of the particular aspect.

Negative Pygmalion Effect• It´s the one that causes the esteem of the subject would decrease and that the aspect that is acted upon decrease and even disappear.

Pygmalion Effect• This video explains the incredible power of expectations and their direct influence on performance and results that are achieved. In this curious phenomenon is known as the Pygmalion effect.

Conclusion -- Vania• The Pygmalion effect is a tool used by competent teachers to motivate students with a sense of hopelessness learned. A student cannot learn without the teacher first setting up the rules of the game. What are the rules? The expectations of the professor, who are there for the student to be able meet with them. Once the teacher sets the bar, he or she has to help you to motivate the student, so that you can be where both you and the teacher want you to be. But this process does not work with only one person moving. It is a process in which both parties have to participate. These are two important questions in the process: Who am I and where do I come from? What do I want to be and where I want to be?

Conclusion-- Yasherth• The Pygmalion Effect think is the way it strongly influences people, in our case we mold teachers a way to students, their education is formed at home but also at school, I also believe that influences the motivation or in the esteem of the people, as seen in this presentation, it can occur in the field, labor, social and education are the expectations that your teacher, your boss, people have of you, as they see you and how you want your you see this I think motivates a person to acceptance, seek approval from who cares.

Bibliography• Definicion.DE. (s.f.). Obtenido de Definicion.DE:• (1 de December de 2012). Prezi. Obtenido de Prezi:• Romero, R. N. (30 de Julio de 2013). Obtenido de• (s.f.). Obtenido de

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