Accelerate Brand Publishing Strategy Guide 2012



Digital Chameleon's Accelerate Brand Publishing guide to Content StrategyFor more information, visit us at

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How does publishing content help market-ers achieve goals? Unlike publishers, who are driven by circulation and dis-play ad revenue, brand publishers have different priori-ties – and publishing for publishing’s sake certainly won’t drive those priorities. For marketers, content is a service that is paid for by the customer by them giving you information about themselves which can deepen their engagement with your brand.

Consumer behavior & touch points

Accelerate Brand Publishing Module

Strategy Roadmaps for Content Marketing

Learning Objectives Learn how consumer trends and behaviour have created an opening for brands to target consumers Understand how brands can publish online more effectively– and why they should! Build a basic content mar-keting campaign Discover how content can deliver measurable busi-ness outcomes

Key Take Aways There is an increasing focus on content by brands and marketers in response to marketing savvy consumers demanding more engage-ment online All brands are publishers in the digital world Marketers who can use pub-lishing methods can improve their content quality, process and effectiveness Content is a pull tactic, not a quick win push for sales Interactions with content can harvest data that feeds di-rectly into CRM Content must be engaging, unique and about the audi-ence, not the brand Content can connect with consumers at various points during the buying cycle

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In the past, brands have needed traditional media to be the middle man between themselves and the consum-er. Today they can connect and engage with consumers via their own ‘owned media’ –websites, magazines, iPad apps, Facebook pages, twit-ter feeds – and through ‘earned media’ by content being shared on social net-works and other sites. Brands are now publishers with their own growing media organisations. Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Sears, Tar-get, Best Buy, and AT&T are all listed in the top 50 of U.S. online publishers.

Brand as Publisher

These interactions can produce data you can use to qualify prospects, generate leads and enhance custom-er loyalty to enrich the information in the greater CRM driven marketing machine..

Building a branded media empire like Lego or Coke is big picture and most of us are more focused on single cam-paigns. The Philadelphia Choccy spread campaign is an example of creating a single, one product focused content marketing campaign. Remem-ber that content marketing is one pow-erful piston in an entire engine room of marketing effort that can be sparked off by other marketing strategies

Building Branded Content Programs

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Strategy Roadmaps for Content Marketing

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Content needs to be unique, relevant, useful and ABOUT YOUR AUDIENCE, not your brand.

The Brand Publishing Process

No matter how big or small your brand, if you have a website, an e-newsletter, product white papers, guides, product information or engage in social media, you are already publishing content on a daily basis that could be helping to take customers through the buying journey. But producing content is not enough. Savvy consumers want content that meet their needs, rather than tries to sell to them. They want access to what you know, and not what you make. This has the added benefit of making your content more credi-ble with search engines, which will give it a higher SERPs (search

engine rank). Creating content purely for the reader is what publishers already do and what brands often struggle with. When it comes to content, marketers who adopt proven ap-proaches and practices from publishers can improve the quality – and the results - of their content interactions with customers.

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Strategy Roadmaps for Content Marketing

Remember that the content you either already have or create, can come in many different forms. Before starting a campaign and creating new content, important to know what you have – you will be surprised how much material you already own in press releases, white papers, case studies, web copy – that could be relevant for your campaign, or could be repackaged. To audit the assets, you’ll need a content audit sheet.

Content Auditing

Effective content marketing can lead to quantifi-able business outcomes that reflect real ROI metrics. That ROI may take many different forms, from direct revenue generation or more broadly to increased digital interactivity between consumer and brand. There are many examples of how brands are embarking upon a brand publishing strategy that is already paying off. Brands with real brand publishing pay-offs in-clude Tesco, BMW, Rayban, Littlewoods, and Energy Matters, to name but a few.

Brand Publishing ROI

Do you know who makes up your audience? What they care about most and what motivates them? It is important to understand where your audience is coming from before creating and publishing content for them. Matching your content to their personas will generate the spark that can affect product purchasing decisions.

Segmenting Personas

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Strategy Roadmaps for Content Marketing

Term Definition

Brand publishing brands who publishing content about themselves or their subject matter via ei-ther third party media outlets or through their own print and digital platforms and channels

Branded content content funded by a brand or organisation

Brand crowdsourcing outsourcing internal resources and advocates, plus external supporters of brand to produce content

Commissioning brief instructions given to writer, photographer or any content provider that details re-quirements, direction and over all expectations e.g tone, style, subject matter, word length

Content audit cataloguing and evaluating content assets

Content management system (CMS)

automated system that allows editorial and content procedures to be simplified allowing users to publish and edit content online

Content marketing marketing discipline aimed at creating and then distributing to targeted audiences, content that is useful, unique and engaging with the objective of driving customer action and interaction

Customer relationship management (CRM)

strategy and system for managing interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects which automatically synchronises information with other business pro-cesses

Editorial calendar schedule used to itemise content and plan how, where, when and by whom it will

be created and published; calendars can be daily, weekly or monthly.

Infographic visual representations of data or information

Market segmentation classification customers by one or more characteristics, in order to identify groups that have similar needs and demand similar products and/or services

Style guide a detailed guide to the editorial style adopted by a publication which details pre-ferred grammar, abbreviations, title usage and punctuation etc.

Sub editing reviewing content and correcting errors, checking for style and where necessary

adding headlines and specifying pull quotes
