A Nice Story


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A nice story.

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Long ago on a beach, so peaceful and beautiful is a

love story unfolded

This beach was very important to love story where two people met here and began his great love.

Cintya and Brandon loved so much, I liked watching the

sunrise and feel the sea breeze and sat on the sand enjoying

good times.

I asked the fairy of love love that would never disappear every day more and bigger

and never were these feelings of being always together.

For a romantic dinner attended by the two so amazed by so much love that only they had

enjoyed so many things that you both enjoy doing.

beautiful places visited, aquariums, beaches, walking by boat, but she expected the great promise that made him, he was


Great places visited as well as beaches, rivers, forests and also made trips to desert, everything

was so happy between them.

Came the great day they married and lived happily for

a lifetime.

So ends this great love story
