9.2 Group 4



Apps for Good Competition Entry

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  • 1. MusicO By Luke Gonsalves, Sam Hall, Alex Lam and Onyou Shin Organising your music pupils just became easier!

2. Specification Who, What and Why? Music teachers Forgetful Pupils Struggling To help with organisation. When? During music lessons Practising Where? At home Wherever you are having your music lesson 3. Consumer Problems It needs to be as easy as possible to use, so that anyone can use it without a problem. Audio and microphone quality will impact the quality of the performance, such as background noise. Needs network signal to be good. 4. Addressed Question How can a music teacher organize time of lesson, subject of lesson and see if your pupils are stuck when they have many, many pupils? 5. Key Insights - Music teachers with bad memory, but lots of pupils. - Diaries can be lost and can be affected by human error - Substitute for diaries and other written tools for organisation. 6. Mini Elevator Pitch 7. User Profiles Teachers, pupils, sometimes parents. Pupils or teachers struggling to remember. Parents wanting to get involved. 8. Competitors Lesson Logs We feel their app is too complicated, including many text boxes to insert information. The main problem with it, is that it doesnt have any features to enhance a students performance. For example you cannot send audio files of a piece of music being played in between lessons. Therefore a problem will have to be fixed in the lesson, wasting time. 9. Feature Overview Our app, is primarily an app for a music teacher to schedule students lessons. It will offer a range of features; including: A messaging service which allows pupils to record problems they are having with something, and letting the teacher listen and give feedback. A calendar that could be integrated into a Google or Yahoo account. A metronome. Available across all platforms. 10. Flow of MVP The apps core features are the lesson planning calendar, and the ease of communication between lessons, when struggling with something, to solve the problem. 11. Mockup 12. Mockup 13. Mockup 14. Mockup 15. Mockup 16. Feasibility To use this app, the device that it is running on must include a microphone, access to an internet connection and audio playback. Most modern smartphones come prebuilt with these as standard. Furthermore, access to smart devices is becoming greater and greater, and many people now own smart device meaning our app would be widely available. Our app will not contain any revolutionary technology usage, but only features which can be widely accessed by the general public. 17. Customer Pledges After asking many a music teacher, including the teachers that teach us an instrument. They would all be willing to use the app, and thought that it would relieve them from forgetting lessons, writing down improvements to be made, and other information, which could remove a lot of the human error which results in mishaps between teachers and pupils. Moreover, when asked if a 0.79 charge would be reasonable, they answered very well, saying that was perhaps almost too cheap, the amount of money required, really depends on the amount of money required to keep the app updated once launched. 18. Marketing Strategy 1) Teachers to promote the use of our app to students. Good apps are always recommended to someone's friendship circles and the user base multiplies in this way if a good experience is gained. 2) Advertise via the different platforms store, for instance being on the new apps, or top rated apps page. 19. Extra Information We surveyed around 50 people to ask if the idea was good. The results showed 88% of people thought that it would be useful. We also invited experts to see our app and they helped us with some constructive criticism, which we used to improve the overall flow and feel of the app. It also helped us consider a marketing and business strategy.
