6 Ways to be Happier (With Calvin and Hobbes)



I'm a firm believer in happiness, don't work too hard for it though - let it come naturally. If it's not coming easy, rather than being sad about it, find the source, don't make excuses, and make a plan. Being happy can take a bit of focus, but it's all about improving as a person.

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6 ways to be happier


With Calvin and Hobbes

Comic  strips  and  images  copyright  to  Bill  Wa;erson  and  publishers.  

Comic  strips  and  images  copyright  to  Bill  Wa;erson  and  publishers.  

Let go of complaining

Comic  strips  and  images  copyright  to  Bill  Wa;erson  and  publishers.  

You can’t always have

your way

Comic  strips  and  images  copyright  to  Bill  Wa;erson  and  publishers.  

Let go of your fears

Comic  strips  and  images  copyright  to  Bill  Wa;erson  and  publishers.  

Let go of trying to

impress others

Comic  strips  and  images  copyright  to  Bill  Wa;erson  and  publishers.  

We can’t live up to

everyone’s expectations

Comic  strips  and  images  copyright  to  Bill  Wa;erson  and  publishers.  

There is always tomorrow Comic  strips  and  images  copyright  to  Bill  Wa;erson  and  publishers.  www.linkedin.com/in/raxford/