5 proyectos para repensar la ciencia abierta


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5 proyectos para repensar la

ciencia abierta

Daniel Torres-Salinas


Elaboración de datos


Revisión por pares

Publicación científica

Acceso a los trabajos


Ciclo Publicación


Para repensar... los datos científicosReutilización VS Parasitismo

A second concern held by some is that a new class of research person will emerge — people who had nothing to do with the design and execution of the study .. the system will be taken over by what some researchers have characterized as “research parasites.”


F1000 Research

Para repensar... el peer reviewTransparencia VS Revisiones ligeras

Of the 25 reviews in F1000 Research, 18 were under 200 words (four had zero words), and 21 (84%) were positive. The average length was 254 words. By contrast, the average length for the medical journals was 464 words, and only 42% were positive.


Peer J

Para repensar... las revistas científicasNuevo modelo VS sostenibilidad

PeerJ's pricing system is different..Your $99 buys you lifetime membership, which gives you the right to publish one paper a year with them at no further charge. (All co-authors on multi-authored papers need to be members.) Alternatively, $299 buys an all-you-can-eat membership: publish as many papers as you want, whenever you want, for life. FUENTE:https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20130210/14302221939/how-peerj-is-changing-everything-academic-publishing.shtml


Para repensar... el acceso abiertoAcceso Universal VS Al margen de la ley

Pirate research-paper sites play hide-and-seek with publishers Millions of scientific articles remain freely accessible despite copyright violations. Operators of Internet repositories that provide illicit free access to millions of research papers seem determined to keep up their services



Para repensar... la reputación científicaNuevos indicadores VS Irreproducible

One of the most apparent issues of the RG Score is that it is in-transparent. ResearchGate does present its users with a breakdown of the individual parts of the score… The extensive use of the RG Score in marketing e-mails suggests that it was meant to be a marketing tool that drives more traffic to the site.


5 proyectos para repensar la ciencia

