5. future planning


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Work Experience Placement – Next Time!

Go to 5.1 (p59) and

explain what you would

do differently in any

future work experience.

The Future

Go to 5.2 (p59).

Did your work experience change your plans or decisions for your future career? Why?

Go to 5.3. (p60).

In the context of your

workplace experiences, list

six courses in order of

preference that you could

study to further your career.

Future Training & Employment

Future Training & Employment

www.qualifax.ie is a database containing detailed information about all courses in Ireland.

www.ucas.com contains information on courses in the UK.

www.eunicas.ie contains information about courses in Europe

Future Training & Employment

Consider these options?

• Full or part time

• National Framework of Qualifications

• European Qualifications Framework

• Transfer & progression opportunities

You should also take into account the

financial considerations of your possible


Future Qualifications

Go to 5.4 (p60/61).

Choose one course from

5.3 (p60) then answer the

questions in the table.

Career Plan

Go to 5.5 (p62).

Outline your career plan for the next five years.

Are there any challenges to achieving the above plan?

Future Employment Options

Go to 5.6 (p63)

In light of your work experience placement and further education /training, identify three future employment opportunities withinIreland and abroad.

Then pick one of these and investigate it further.

Working Abroad

To help you find work abroad, try some of the following websites:

• www.workingabroad.net is a good site for Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

• www.globalvisas.com is a good site to help you organise your visa.

• Recruitment Agencies often advertise for jobs abroad.

Next Video 2:45 mins


But…things are starting to get better .Emigration of Irish nationals fell by 20% in the year to April 2014. Just one in five emigrants are now unemployed before leaving. Source: CSO.


Working Abroad

Go to 5.7 (p64) and write down three positive and

three negative things about working abroad.

Finishing OffYour Appendix could include the following as evidence:

1. CV

2. Cover Letter

3. Insurance Letter

4. Job Finding Strategy Correspondence e.g. Emails

5. Photos of Placement

6. Company Literature

7. Any other information that you consider relevant.

But…things are starting to get better .

Emigration of Irish nationals fell by 20% in the year to April

2014. Just one in five emigrants are now unemployed

before leaving. Source: CSO.
