5 Fantastic Tools For Making Your Own Video Game


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5 Fantastic Tools For Making Your Own Video Game

GameMaker Studio

This is a powerful development suite used mainly for 2D games. It uses both an intuitive drag and drop interface, and its own C-based scripting language, GML. 

You can create most game types in GM, from top-down racers and RPGs to point-and-click adventures and classic platformers.

It has support for shaders, real-time lighting, physics, particles, and more, all through GML.

Success stories



If you want to make a 3D game, Unity is a good place to start. 

It's a lot more complicated than GameMaker, but also has a vast amount of online support.

It can also be used to make 3D games, and games built in the engine can be run on PCs, iPhones, Android, web browsers, and a variety of other platforms. 

Success stories

Gone Home

Adventure Game Studio

With this suite you can create adventure games in the mould of popular LucasArts games like Monkey Island and Full Throttle

It handles things like dialogue and pathfinding so you can focus on writing and art. 

Adventure Game Studio is completely free and has no limitations on how you can use games made with it. 

Success stories

Time Gentlemen

RPG Maker

RPG Maker has its own scripting language based on Ruby, but it's not essential to making a game. 

You can create everything from dialogue, combat, exploration, and cut-scenes using the simple Windows-based interface. 

It's designed with novices in mind, so is ideal for entry level development.

Success stories

To The Moon

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Source: http://www.creativebloq.com/video-games/5-fantastic-tools-making-your-own-video-game-41411429
