2015.3.18 preparation for poster & oral presentation


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กลุ่มย่อยครั้งที่ 7: Professional Preparation for  Poster & Oral Presentation 

ผศ.นพ.บวรศม ลีระพันธ ์RACM302: เวชศาสตร์ชุมชน กลุ่มกุฉินารายณ์ 

18 มีนาคม 2558 

Pix source: www.returnofkings.com/5310/5-principles-to-improve-your-public-speaking  

1)  การทำงานเป็นทีม (Teamwork) 

2)  ปัญหาสุขภาพในชุมชน (Health problems in the community) 

3)  การศึกษาวิจัยเชิงปริมาณและเชิงคุณภาพ (Quantitative & Qualitative study)  

4)  การทำงานภาคสนาม (Fieldwork)  

5)  การเตรียมเครื่องมือศึกษาชุมชน (Preparation of tools for community study) I, II 

6)  การทดสอบเครื่องมือศึกษาชุมชน (Testing tools for community study) 

7)  การแลกเปลี่ยนประสบการณ์เรียนรู้ (Sharing experiences & lessons learned)**  

8)  การวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลที่ได้จากการศึกษาชุมชน (Data analysis) I, II 

9)  การนำเสนองานอย่างมืออาชีพ (Preparing professional oral & poster presentation) 

10)  การสรุปบทเรียน (Wrap-up) 

Course Outline 

Pix source: online.wsj.com 


Pix source: online.wsj.com 



Discussion, Q&A 


To-do list 

•  “Ten Simple Rules for a Good Poster” 

•  PresentationWorse “PPT” presentations 

•  Better “oral” presentations 

•  Food-for-thought on presentation 



Pix source: online.wsj.com 

Too Much Text, and Font too small 

•  Don’t put large blocks of text in your presentation. 

•  Emphasize the main points. 

•  The “Six-by-Six” Rule. 

•  Use pictures—PowerPoint is multimedia! 

•  Use a large font. At least 30-point or more. 

Source: elmhurst.edu/~jacobh/WorstPresentationEverStandAlone.ppt 

Bad Color Choices 

•  Avoid loud, garish colors…dark text on light background is best. 

•  Avoid text colors that fade into background, i.e. blue and black 

•  Avoid color-blind combinations: 

– Red and green 

– Blue and yellow 

Source: elmhurst.edu/~jacobh/WorstPresentationEverStandAlone.ppt 

Overwhelming Pictures 

•  Use pictures, but don’t let them use you. 

•  Keep slides SIMPLE! Too much diverts audience away from content. 

•  Too many pictures also make saving a presentation difficult. 

•  1 or 2 pictures per slide is probably enough.   

Source: elmhurst.edu/~jacobh/WorstPresentationEverStandAlone.ppt 

Using too much Slide Animation 

•  Again, keep slides simple! 

•  Apply one Slide Transition style and one Animation Scheme to ALL slides. 

•  Don’t change between styles- a single style makes a presentation look unified. 

•  “Busy” presentations divert audience attention from content. 

Source: elmhurst.edu/~jacobh/WorstPresentationEverStandAlone.ppt 

Ignoring Murphy’s Law 

•  “Something WILL go wrong” 

– Test your presentation before you show it. 

– Always have a backup of your presentation on hand. 

– Be prepared to do the presentation without the PowerPoint. Professionals ALWAYS print handouts for the audience. 


Source: elmhurst.edu/~jacobh/WorstPresentationEverStandAlone.ppt 

Presentation Tips 

•  Talk to your audience, not the slides. Face them! •  Don’t just read what’s on the board. We can

read that. Use a visual presentation as a starting point. •  Avoid apologizing for a presentation

shortcoming. Press on! •  Leave time for Q & A.  

Source: elmhurst.edu/~jacobh/WorstPresentationEverStandAlone.ppt 

Presentation Tips (Con’t) 

•  Check grammar! A presentation is the worst time to see misspellings. •  Don’t make too many slides—avoid the “slide

rush” (trying to rush through the last 20 slides because you ran out of time). •  Cite your sources on each slide or at the end

of your presentation. •  Remember: KEEP IT SIMPLE! It’s just a tool! 

Source: elmhurst.edu/~jacobh/WorstPresentationEverStandAlone.ppt 

Presentation Tips (Con’t) 

•  “Ten presentation tips” from Steve Jobs  (by Carmin Gallo) 

10Source: www.carminegallo.com 

Source: www.carminegallo.com 

Source: www.carminegallo.com 


3: Introducing the AntagonistIn nearly every classic story, the hero fights the villain. The same holds true for a Steve Jobs presentation. In 1984, the villain was IBM, known as “Big Blue” at the time. Before Jobs introduced the famous “1984” television ad to a group of Apple salespeople, he created a dramatic story around it. “IBM wants it all,” he said. Apple would be the only company to stand in its way. It was very dramatic, and the crowd went crazy. Branding expert Martin Lindstrom says that great brands and religions have something in common: the idea of vanquishing a shared enemy. Jobs created a villain that allowed the audience to rally around the hero — Apple and its products.A villain doesn’t necessarily have to be a direct competitor. It can also be a problem in need of a solution. When Jobs introduced the iPhone in January 2007, his presentation at Macworld focused on the problems mobile phone users were experiencing with the current technology. The iPhone, he said, would resolve those issues. Setting up the problem opens the door for the hero to save the day.

Source: www.carminegallo.com 

Source: www.carminegallo.com 

Source: www.carminegallo.com 

Source: www.carminegallo.com 

Source: www.carminegallo.com 

Source: www.carminegallo.com 

“A good sermon should be like a woman's skirt:  

short enough to rouse the interest, but long enough to

cover the essentials.”  

--Ronald Knox 

Pix source: www.yesstyle.com.jpg 

Food for Thought  
