1st Grade - the sense of taste



The sense of taste for first graders

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Ana Girnita

1st grade

Ayer Elementary School

Humans use their tongue to taste different foods

See all those bumps?

Those are called PAPILLAE and most of them contain TASTE BUDS.

Taste buds are receptors that allow us to experience the taste of food.



Umami = Japanese word for “yummy”, such as

fish, cheese or tomatoes

A person has about 10,000 taste buds

They are replaced every 2 weeks

As we get older, taste buds don't get replaced

That's why certain foods may taste stronger to you than they do to adults

It was thought that

our tongue has

different zones for

the four tastes.

It is a MYTH!

In fact, all taste

buds detect all


But before you give

taste buds all the

credit for your

favorite food, it's

important to thank

your nose!!!

Both taste and smell

work together to help

us detect what food

are we eating.

Inside our nose we have

special cells called

olfactory receptors

These receptors help us

smell and they send a

message to our brain

While we are chewing, the

food releases chemicals that

immediately travel up into

our nose.

These chemicals trigger the

cells inside the nose and send

a message to our brain!

The brain will warn us about

what are we eating or


Let’s thank to our tongue and nose

for all the wonderful flavors that

we know…..

Also let’s thank them for protecting

us from the bad chemicals by

recognizing the bad flavors!!

