10 interesting facts about Muslim & Sahabah



Learn about meaning of Islam, Jihad, the oldest mosque, the first sahabah to recite quran publicly, the first to submit to Islam besides the family of Rasulullah. Learn more: http://syukran.com/slides

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10 facts about Muslim & SahabahLearn about Islam, The deen and our Sahabah (The companion of Prophet)

01What is the meaning of Islam?

The word Islam means...

The word Islam means...Submission to Allah


The word Islam means...Peace


The word Islam means...Way of peace


Allah is not the God of Muslims only. He is the God of all people and all creation.

02What is the meaning of Muslim?

Muslim means:Anyone or anything that submits itself to the will of Allah.

03Which is the oldest mosque?

The oldest mosque in Islamic history is not the prophet’s mosque (Masjid Nabawi) instead...

Quba Mosque, Medina

It was the first mosque built as soon as Our Prophet PBUH arrived in Medina.

It is the first mosque was build as soon as Our Prophet PBUH arrived on the Hijra.According to Sunnah.

Offering two raka’at of nafl prayers in the Quba Mosque is equal to performing one Umrah.

Did you know?

Allah is not just about loving and compassion


Allah once said to Prophet Muhammad PBUH:

“My mercy prevails over my wrath.”

What is the real definition of Jihad?


Jihad does not mean holy war

Instead, it means the inner struggle that one endures in trying to submit their will to the will of Allah.

Example: the struggles against laziness, arrogance, against the temptation of Satan, or against one's own ego.

How many companion of Prophet is mentioned in the Quran?



The only companion who is explicitly mentioned in the Quran by name is:

Zaid bin Al-Haritha 

...So when Zayd had no longer any need for her...

Surah Al-Ahzab 33:37

...So when Zayd had no longer any need for her...

Surah Al-Ahzab 33:37

He was the first Muslim to be martyred on foreign country, during the Battle of Mu’tah.

Did you know?

...So when Zayd had no longer any need for her...

Surah Al-Ahzab 33:37

Battle of Mu’tah. Is a battle between Islam and Byzantine that our Prophet PBUH took part.

Fast Facts


07How did Abu Bakar RA received the title As-Siddiq?

Abu Bakar accepted and believed in Rasulullah PBUH...

During the Night Journey (Mi’raj) to the Heavens, when the kuffar asked for his opinion.

During the Night Journey (Mi’raj) to the Heavens, when the kuffar asked for his opinion.

He was the first person outside the family of Muhammad PBUH to openly become a Muslim.

Did you know?

During the Night Journey (Mi’raj) to the Heavens, when the kuffar asked for his opinion.

Abu Bakar’s real name is Abdullah bin Abi Quhafah

Did you know?

How Ali bin Abi Talib Hijra from Mekkah to Medina?


He walked all the way from Makkah to Medina...

...while hiding from the pursuing Quraish.

400kmMakkah Medina


400kmSingapore Kuala Lumpur


Who is the 2nd person to recite Quran publicly?


Abdullah Ibn Masud RA was the 2nd person to read the Quran publicly near the Ka’ba.

The first was Rasulullah PBUH

The first was Rasulullah PBUH

Abdullah Ibn Masud RA was one of the 4 people mentioned by Muhammad PBUH to learn the Quran from.

Did you know?

Learn the recitation of Qur'an from four persons: Ibn Mas'ud, Salim the freed slave of Abu Hudhaifa, Ubai bin Ka’ab and Muadh bin Jabal.

Narrated by Abdullah bin Amr from Sahih Bukhari

10Who is the first Muezzin chosen by Rasulullah PBUH ?

10Who is the first Muezzin chosen by Rasulullah PBUH ?

A person at a mosque who leads the call to prayer (adhan)

Photo: © Gentz, Wilhelm

The first Muezzin chosen by Rasulullah PBUH was...

Bilal ibn Rabah orBilal the Abyssinian

Bilal ibn Rabah orBilal the Abyssinian

Bilal ibn Rabah was an African

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More about Islamic Facts soon


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