10 best books for thinking parents



10 best books for thinking parents

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The way we parent our children has such a massive impact on the person they become.

10 Best Books Thinking Parents must Read

It Explains - The seven essential skills1. Focus and Self Control, 2. Perspective Taking, 3. Communicating, 4. Making Connections, 5. Critical Thinking, 6. Taking On Challenges, 7. Self-Directed, Engaged Learning. A must-read!

This book will change everything you think! The authors take the latest science and apply it to parenting in areas like motivation, praise, sibling relationships, sleep, and more

This book exceptionally helpful! It talks about tempering perfectionism and tells us parents to resist giving pointers to our kidsis

Bruehl is a former teacher who makes play and learning accessible to parents at home with kids. I loved this book and highlighted at least half.

Parents, before you put your child into preschool, READ THIS BOOK. The research overwhelmingly shows the difference in how play is essential for child development in math, reading, verbal communication, science, self-awareness and social skills.

The science of a child's growing brain is explained in layman's terms by the hilarious Medina. Check out his online videos, too - they're great.

A quick read with gifts of wisdom for busy parents about being present in the life of our children.

An eye-opening book that synthesizes the latest brain research and helps us understand what learning issues are genetically based and which are triggered, or both.

This book is about reducing the amount of clutter, even reducing sensory overload. I loved how this book helped me with routine and ritual.

Keep this book with you - it's got lots of creative ideas for things to do anywhere - waiting at the doctor's office, restaurants, car rides, it's an essential.

What books are your favorites that aren't on this list?
