091009 Gov Confirmations 50m


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Good Day!

DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY1) Write: Date: 09/10/09, Topic: Confirmations2) On the next line, write “Opener #10” and then:

1) Plot your mood, reflect in 1 sent.2) Respond to the opener by writing at least 2 sentences about:Your opinions/thoughts OR/AND

Questions sparked by the clip OR/AND

Summary of the clip OR/AND

Other things going on in the news.Announcements: NominationsIntro Music: Untitled

Quiz (10 Points)1) Clear desk of everything except a

writing tool2) When done, turn quiz face down.

3) Circle just the dots.

4) Quiz #1

Agenda1) Team Cheers and Textbooks (5pts)2) Confirmation Overview

Essential Question1) How do we pick judges?

Reminder1) Find & complete your 4 news pods

Work #10a, Title “Team Cheer”1) Again, write down your team number AND team name (state)

Each team needs to develop a victory cheer (this could be verbal, song, sound, a physical motion, or mixture of those. It must be school appropriate and all team members must feel comfortable with the cheer.

2) Write down the instructions for your team cheer


1: LegislatureCREATES

(S + H)

2: ExecutiveEXECUTES (President)

3: JudicialJUDGES

(SC, CC, DC)


Review1) Loose Interpretation: Interpret Constitution loosely to evolve with changing times. 2) Strict Interpretation : Stick to literal word meaning of the Constitution3) Originalism: Stick to intent of the framers/law writers.4) Judicial Activism: Court should not shy from being early in solving public controversies.5) Judicial Restraint: Court should wait until the more democratic branches exhaust resolving public controversies.

Review6) 3 Levels to Federal Court: Supreme Court (1)Circuit Court of Appeals (13):

We are in the 9th CircuitDistrict Trial Court (94):

We are in the Northern CA Fed District Court82% Male, 18% Female, 49% GOP, 45% DEM82% White, 5% Hispanic, 0.5% Asian

7) All Federal Judges: Appointed by President > confirmed by Senate serve for life.*

*Tradition has been for Cir+Dist nominees, Pres will get the approval of those area’s senators.

Which circuit court are we in?



How many judges on SCOTUS?



Three Kinky Southern Girls Bring Rock Stars Scandals Aplenty

One Side Other Side1) Stevens - LIB2) Sotomayer - LIB3) Ginsburg - LIB4) Breyer - LIB5) Kennedy - SWING VOTE (LEANS CON)6) Roberts - CON, CHIEF JUSTICE7) Alito - CON8) Scalia - CON9)Thomas - CON

9 small sheets, write name on 1 side, the political view on the other. Place in bag.

Notes #10a, Title: “Nominations Notes” 1) Confirmation: Senate Judiciary Committee interviews but its whole Senate that votes (50%)Filibuster: a delay tactic used by minority party

that can force 60% vote needed.

President: Serve 8 years max (technically 10 if they were a VP for a dead pres). The justices to all 3 levels they appoint serve for life, they can be X-30+ years! Ford is dead, but Stevens is still on the court. Reagan is dead, but Scalia and Kennedy still on.

Work #10a, Title “Sotomayor Confirmation”1) Copy Source Title: CBSRead, and then respond to:2) What are her qualifications?3) What are some of the controversies?4) What questions would you ask her if you were interviewing her in the Senate Judiciary Committee? Bonus Q 5) Do you think she is strict, loose, originalist, activist, and/or restraint?

5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work Sections

Workbook peer check:

Have your partner look at your notebook to see if the formatting is correct, get their signature under Work#5a

Workbook Check: Remember you workbook is turned in each marking period for 100 points!

Homework: 1) Study today’s notes + work sections

for a possible workbook quiz.2) Pick and listen to your 4 news

podcast by next Monday.
